hell is no place for a human / / yandere! stolas

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ship/pairing: yandere!stolas x human!g/n!reader

request: anon: Can I request a yandere stolas with a human reader trying to escape?

warnings: kidnapping, unwanted touching (nonsexual), crying, handcuffs

fandom: Helluva Boss

word count: 1143

A/N: Stolas is canonically gay so fem reader's DNI. i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life

You had come up with the perfect plan. Just follow the plan and you'd finally be free of the sharp talons Stolas constantly had digging into your shoulder. Unfortunately, the plan required you to be away from Stolas. Which you'd found to be nearly impossible. The demon prince was incredibly clingy, and seemed to always need to be with you. It was no use getting help either, as Stolas had ordered every guard to immediately return you to him if you ever tried to escape. He treated the imps decently, so you doubted they'd jump at the opportunity to defy him. So maybe your plan wasn't so perfect after all. But after that realisation, you added some extra steps to the plan in order to get Stolas away from you.

You were sat in Stolas's lap as he cuddled you on his couch, trying not to shake in anticipation.

He was talking about something you weren't paying attention to, until you cleared your throat, "Stolas, I need to go to the bathroom."

He paused his rant for a moment, quickly sitting up, picking you and changing your position so you were sat in his lap facing him.

"Is everything ok darling?"

You fought the urge to roll your eyes. He would act like the world was ending if you had a stomach ache. "Yes, I'm fine, I just need the bathroom."

He nodded, seemingly relieved you weren't sick, and he called out to one of the imps standing guard, "Escort them." He ordered, setting you off his lap and onto the floor. He cupped your face and placed a kiss on your cheek, an action you had to hide your disgusted expression over.

You were promptly escorted to the bathroom - something you weren't happy about - and locked the door behind you, immediately searching through the drawers. Eventually, you found a sharp enough object you could use, gripping it tight in your hand before you opened the bathroom door.

The imp guard stared at you with an unreadable expression, seemingly unfazed by you holding a weapon to him. You took a step back, "Don't say a word to Stolas. Please." you breathed out, before sprinting off through the halls of Stolas's palace.

You knew your words would have no effect on the imp, who was probably already off to inform Stolas about you running away. All you could do was run.

Your legs burned as you sped through the palace halls, anxiety plaguing your mind with every second you were out of the palace. You had no idea what you'd do once you were free. Hell definitely wasn't safe for a human, Stolas never failed to let you know that day after day. You didn't want to think about what might happen to you if you got out, but you also couldn't bear to think of what would happen if Stolas caught you. He put up a sweet, loving front, but you knew he'd have to get angry at something as bad as this. You just didn't know how angry...

While running, you heard a loud, demonic screech, followed by loud crashing noises. Your pace instantly sped up, fear fueling you. You were so close, the pounding footsteps behind you making you sprint even faster. You turned a corner, almost able to see the palace doors, when a large claw gripped your shoulder tightly, roughly throwing you to the ground. You craned your neck to look behind you, eyes widened in fear as you met Stolas's multiple burning red eyes. Despite his bigger and darker appearance, you knew it was Stolas. Breathless, you coughed, trying to lift yourself up with shaky hands, only for you to fall back down. You shook in fear as you heard footsteps nearing you. A soft, firm hand touched your shoulder, a big contrast from the previous violent scene.

"My love, are you hurt?" You flinched at Stolas's voice, unnerved by how calm his voice was. He held your hand gently, helping you sit up, and you saw Stolas back to normal.

You stayed silent, attempting to read his concerned face to find any anger that might let you know if you were in danger. If he was angry to the point he might hurt you, he was hiding it extremely well.

He sighed, effortlessly picking you up and beginning to carry you. He stayed silent for the entire walk back to your shared room, which had you extremely on edge.

You didn't even know how scared you were until you realised you were physically shaking in his grip, before he placed you on the bed.

"Y/N," it was silent for so long, that the sound made you flinch, "why did you try to leave?"

You were silent. Any truthful answer you gave would just upset him more, which was the last thing you wanted to do.

He sighed, gently but firmly grabbing your jaw and lifting your head so you were looking at him, "Answer me when I ask you something. Why did you try to leave?"

You couldn't take it anymore, tears poured from your eyes and you shook under his cold gaze, "I-I'm sorry Stolas, I'm sorry, I-I-I-"

"Y/N," his voice was so sweet, like honey, "look at me." his hand moved from your jaw to cup your cheek, using his thumb to wipe your tears, "Breathe, just breathe."

You found yourself doing as he said, taking deep breaths and eventually calming yourself down enough to have a conversation with Stolas.

"Y/N, I shouldn't need to tell you why you can't be running away and going outside, you hear it from me everyday." He said, grabbing handcuffs from his desk drawer and walking back toward you, making you shrink back in fear.

"Stolas, I-"

"But apparently, I do. Perhaps I overestimated your species. Perhaps I overestimated you. If you can't listen to a simple instruction, it's clear you're in need of proper guidance. My guidance." He took your arms, one at a time and handcuffed them to the bed frame. "My dear, you're simply far too precious to be left unsupervised." You swallowed nervously. If he thought constantly clinging to you and showering you with affection was leaving you unsupervised, you couldn't imagine what he thought was the opposite. "And it appears I'll have to be taking extra measures to keep you safe."

You shook with fear, making the handcuffs rattle against the bed frame, "No- Stolas, what are you-"

"My dear, until I believe you've learnt your lesson, you will not be leaving this room."

"What?! Stolas you-"

"Y/N if you ever want to leave this room within the span of a month, I suggest you stay quiet."

You swallowed your words, immediately shrinking back. You'd never seen Stolas angry at you, and it wasn't something you wanted to keep seeing.

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