Chapter 39 How close?

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"Please take care of her" and she left.

"Why here?" I said with full of anger and disappointment. He closed the door and looked at me.
           "Ask you Mother" with that he started walk toward the kitchen.

I followed him into the kitchen and started yelling at him. "I wished to never see your face. You might've told her to bring me here at you place"

"I have no interest to deal with a suicidal patient in the middle of my work"

"Yeah you must be so busy and I must be bothering you. So why you just Didn't tell her anything Ethan?" He glanced at me and took a sip of the water bottle. I felt as if he was giving me attitude.

"Why Don't I just leave then It will be easier for both of us" I said but still no reply. Anger took me the best of me.

           "You know what? Fuck you Ethan"

I started walking toward the exit Door. I heard footsteps acknowledging he was coming after me so I started running. I was fast but he was faster. It took him a few steps to reach me with his long legs. I made it to the Door successfully. I opened the door and he pushed it hard making it slam right after. I closed my eyes at the sensation. We were both breathing hard due to our sudden run. He was really close to my neck that I could feel his warm breath Against my bare skin.

"Stop Ely. It's worthless"

My heartbeat increased more than it was already. He turned me around by helding my waist and pinned me between him and the door.We were really close to each other. He kept staring at me.

At the moment, I finally see some emotions after a long time. Worried,Pain,Anger... It was mixed that I couldn’t Understand what he was feeling at the moment.I wanted to know what he was thinking at the moment.

           My left hand reaches Its way up to his right cheek subconsciously. I caressed his cheek."Ethan" i whispered his name. I wanted him to say it. I wanted him to do whatever he was wanting.It looked like something was forcing him not to do it..but what is it? He looked away and jerked my hand away.He pushed me aside making me bump into the wall and locked the Door with security passcode. I can't open the door unless i know the passcode..

He walked out of there and went to the living room. I sighed and walked out of there. I was surpassing the living room untill He spoke something which made me stop.

"You are such a great actress" I looked at him.

He was sitting on the coucher with a laptop infront him which was kept on the table.

"What?" i asked not understanding what he meant.

"Come here" he said that and I felt shiver down my spine.

He showed me a footage that seemed to be from a hospital. A girl is sitting and a man came with a flower of bouquet. That girl brought out a letter and read it and someone else walked in that's when she hid it behind her back. That girl is none other than Me. It's Nina.

"Look.. We are really close to him. Don't try anything foolish. Give me the Letter." he sounds super serious. I Don't like it when he gets bossy like that.

"Is my everything part of Your business now? Whatever is happening around me You're always there. Is this your secret way of protecting myself.. Oh not protecting i mean is this how you use me? I can protect myself so Don't fucking bother caring for me." He smirked and came to me. I knew what he was up to So I hide My left hand. He forcely pulled my left arm and showed me my wrist which was bandaged. "Is this how you protect yourself?" Do I? I myself Don't know the answer.

         I look down. I jerk my hand away from him and stand away from him. "How close you are to him" I look up to him. "How close? As if blood relation wasn’t close Enough? How many days? How many more? Will it take you to reach him?" I asked..

My vision gets blurry so I wiped my eyes and said," How much Close you are to Aiden,Ethan?" I can't see him. I can't see which Ethan it is? The cold Ethan?Chris Ethan?Teenager Ethan. "Who are you exactly?" My voice cracked I knew why. I look down at my feet. I Didn't want him to see how badly it was hurting...

Not every love story is a coincidence. Not every happy ending is flawless. The more you love the more You're hurt. "Why?" There’s no right answer. I Don't know the answer to Why do I still love him... What is he to me after all? How could I fall in love with him?

I notice him taking a step closer to me so I take a step backward. He stopped right there. I Didn't want to look up to his eyes. Because I knew there were emotions and emotions swayed me pretty well.

"Dear One,
I know you know almost everything about me. I think It's time since You're well grown up. I've been waiting for you for a very nice time. You got me into trouble not only once but thousands of time. Tonight His death and your body will be mine. Don't wait for me sleep Earlier. " I said and laughed..
         "Though you are beautiful But I'm selfish too"

I looked up to him. He had his eyebrows furrowed. I smile at him and tears started coming but i held them back.

"How close were you?"



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