"call has been sent to voicemail"

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Secret Mermaid Lemonade
Chapter Twenty-Eight: I.M really would have treated him better...

private chat
You and Soobin are active | Taeyang
Friday 2:00 PM

Hey, unfortunately I can't
make it to our date tonight
Maybe we can do something

Yeah, sure
What happened?

My mom had gotten sick
recently and considering my
dad is D.E.D, I was tasked to
take care of her for the time
Hopefully she's heal fast so
we can at least grab lunch

Your dad is dead!?
Gosh, Soobin why didn't you
tell me!? I wouldn't constantly
be asking to hang out when
you say you're with family

No, it's fine. Really
I want to be with you
You are my boyfriend
after all (;

Sorry. Excuse my fangirling
I just can't believe we actually
made it official (:

Don't worry. I think it's
I have to go now Yeonjun,
I'll text you when I'm omw


Shit! I meant Theo
Sorry. I'm texting my cousin
at the same time. Apparently
he has some homemade
soup that he wants to give
to my mom

Oh ok
Tell your mom that I hope
she feels better
And just text me a good time
when we can reschedule our

Of course!

private chat
You are the only one active | Taeyang
Friday 2:25 PM

You are now calling Intak.
Call has been sent to voicemail. Please leave a message.

Intak, please for the love
of gOd, respond to me!
I want to make things right!

You are now calling Intak.
Call has been sent to voicemail. Please leave a message.

Fine. I'm coming over
and then you'll have no
choice but to talk to me

You have an incoming call from I.M.

Immediately Taeyang's eyebrows were furrowing; lips dropping into a frown as his chest tightened and a wave of nervousness rushed through him. He hasn't spoke to Changkyun is weeks—sticking to the promise he made to himself when it came to cutting all ties with the rich man. Of course they would see one another when it came to the club Taeyang worked at, but it's not like they communicated. The blonde would be too busy conning sleazy men for their money, while Changkyun was eyeing up the next pretty stripper (who shamelessly shook their ass in his face for those same double or triple digit dollar bills). Taeyang wouldn't say that he got jealous by the sight; he had no right to. He's the one who decided to end their sugar baby, sugar daddy contract. To put an end to a relationship that was growing into something so much more.

So why he kept the elder man's number in his phone, was a mystery to him. For the memories, he said...tried to say. For when he was in trouble, and no one, not even his friends were able to help him. Changkyun did say that he would be there for him, no matter what. Or it was something along those lines. But then again it was included in their contract. Had the emotional and even physical support expired? Maybe not if the older was calling him. Taeyang answered the call with a hesitant thumb, slowly raising the device to his ear. Just faintly he could hear the way Changkyun was breathing on the other side.

"Hello?" He'd been the one to initiate the conversation. "I.M? Why are you calling? Did something happen?"

Taeyang remembers Changkyun's address. Or at least the address to the gorgeously expensive condo that they occasionally escaped to—just the two of them, and whatever feelings that began to blossom between them. If the blonde skipped going over to talk with Intak, he could hurry to Changkyun's aid. That is if he needed it.

"Uh no..." The elder's voice had always sounded so masculine. A low tone, deep, with a smidge of gravel. And his laugh. It sent a shiver down Taeyang's spine. Oh, how he missed the sound. "I know we agreed to stop what we had going on but," He sighed. It also sounded like he was shifting; on a chair maybe, something leather. "I just really wanted to hear your voice again. I've missed it. Missed you."

If Taeyang's stomach fluttered, he tried his hardest not to pay any attention to it. He had to rid these feelings for the rich man. He had a boyfriend now. All focus and possible romantic attraction had to go to him. Choi Soobin. Let's not forget. Choi Soobin.


"I know. I know" There he went with laughing again. It was a chuckle; airy and filled with despair. "We can still talk though, right? As friends?"

Taeyang released his own deep breath.

"Uh, what did you want to talk about?"

"Anything" Changkyun was quick to reply. "Like I said. I just wanted to hear your voice. Beats all of those annoying coworkers you have" He snickered. Must have been from a memory of some sort. Taeyang grinned in return. Whether it was from flattery or the agreement that a few of his coworkers could be overbearing when it came to their line of work, he refuses to choose.

But then Taeyang remembers how Changkyun had been meeting up with the same person each time he's been to the club. Park Jimin. He was a beauty, and typically one of the few strippers that brought customers back for more. Keeho would never admit it, but he's been seen entering every once and a while after hearing that Jimin would be putting on a show that night.

"Even Park Jimin?" Taeyang clicked his tongue. Envy shouldn't be bubbling within him. "You two seem to be getting rather close. What? He's your new baby?"

"You would hate that, wouldn't you?"

"No" Taeyang retaliated faster than he expected. "You can have affiliations with whoever you want. I just assumed so because every time you come in now, you take him to one of the V.I.P rooms."

Changkyun laughed yet again.

"Jimin and I aren't seeing one another. From what I know, he's already taken. Besides," There was a pregnant pause. "When it comes to you, no one can compare."

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