"fucking jisung burnt his hand on the toaster again..."

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Secret Mermaid Lemonade
Chapter Thirty: Now we need to see how Intak is holding up

private chat
You and Huening Kai are now active | Intak
Friday 2:20 PM

Huening Kai:
Did you want to come into
work today?
We could really use your
help making these pastries

I can continue to take
this day off and maybe
later come in as a customer
and order something that
you'll struggle to make

Huening Kai:
I will fire your bitchass

But then you wouldn't get
any customers
You know all of those
pretty women are there
for me and not your
ghost face

Huening Kai:
I feel like I should send
you your last pay check
Make the firing process

What? Don't want to see
my handsome face one
last time?

Huening Kai:
Can you stop playing games
with me and just come in
I really need the help
fUcking Jisung burnt his hand
on the toaster again and now
I don't have an employee I
trust with my ingredients

Isn't Taehyun working today?
Ask him

Huening Kai:
He was, but called in sick
Said he'd literally vomit on a
customer if he had to
come in and smell our food

I hope you took that as an

Huening Kai:
nOpe :)
Thanked him for his time
and said that I 100% agree

And you continue to be
scared of this man because...

Huening Kai:
He dare threaten to stab one
of my plushies
He knows where I live Intak!
I am not risking anything!

You have an incoming call from Theo.
You received a new message from Theo. Click here to review.

Yeah, I can co|

You have an incoming call from Theo.
You received a new message from Theo. Click here to review.

Friday 2:27 PM

Fine. I'm coming over
and then you'll have no
choice but to talk to me

Yeah, I can co|
Yeah, I ca|
Yeah, I|
Sorry Kai, something just
came up

Huening Kai:
It better have been an
emergency or I swear
you're mopping the bathroom
floors next time you come

Does it count if I say
that the emergency involved
me confronting my
ex-friends with benefits?

Huening Kai:
them about what?
Some kind of disease that
they gave you?

Just that I like them a lot
and they practically used
me even after confessing
and saying that we should
end things, but never
really ending anything

Huening Kai:
Bring your best rubber

You have an incoming call from Theo.

Intak would be lying if he said that he wasn't dreading the phone call. The name displayed on his screen was making his heart jump and a new heat flow through him. He knew how stubborn Taeyang could be; and that this confrontation was going to happen eventually. He was nervous for it. He knew that this time, whatever they had before would officially be over and they would be forced back into a friends only zone. Intak couldn't say whether or not he liked that idea. While he did grow a romantic attraction to his blonde friend, he also missed the way they used to hang out—when it was all laughter and the confining of embarrasing secrets within one another. But then again, who said they would ever go back to the way they were? Maybe they would be stuck with awkward encounters from here on out? Because in a sense, Intak is always going to hold a love for Taeyang (that is way more than two buddies getting burgers whenever their schedules line up), and that is going to get in the way of what is supposed to be just friendly interactions and not flirting.

How can he just forget about the way the elder man's body looked naked, and for him? That was a sight no one could forget.

Licking his lips with anticipation, the brunette answered the phone call. His thumb tapped down on the green button, watching in amazement by how fast the two lines connected. The device was almost immediately put up to his ear then, the speaker instantly ringing out with the familar nasally voice of one of his dearest friends. He sounded agigated. That probably had to do with the fact that Intak hadn't answered his other two calls. The blonde will get over it eventually. Especialy if he was keeping true to his word and planned to visit so they could talk things out properly. Oh, how Intak prayed that the call wasn't some intimidating way of explaing that Taeyang was already on his front porch; that he needed to open the door right this second so they can sit down and explain why they aren't good for one another. Or at least in a romantic sense. Intak should take this oppurtunity to end things and then shift into what people typically call their "hoe era." It's not a secret that he was quite handsome (or at least had the confidence in himself to believe that he wasn't ugly.) Because if that were true, he wouldn't occasionally have a female walk in the diner and give him those flirty eyes. The ones where it was blantaly obvious that they are trying to seduce you.

"Ah, so you finally answer your phone! I called you twice already!" Taeyang could be heard bouncing about his eardrum before Intak's entire mind was engulfed by the sound that was him.

"Yeah, I saw" He heaved a sigh. "Sorry, I was talking with my boss. What did you want?" It's best he played dumb, show that he wasn't affected by the elder more than he already was. But everyone knew already—that he was rather hurt by all of this. He feels kind of stupid for downplaying Keeho's feelings from before. He understood completely now.

"It said you looked at my messages. You already know" There was the rattling of keys and the closing of a front door. Ah, so he must be leaving now. No need to freak out by the prescense of the other just yet. "I just wanted to tell you that I'll be over in a few minutes."

"And you couldn't have texted that to me?" Did he sound rude? Did he have a right to sound rude? He couldn't find any answers, but one thing is for sure, he felt a little guilty for his tone after hearing Taeyang give a little huff. "Nevermind. Okay...I'll unlock the door now so all you have to do is walk in."

Intak just barely waited for the elder to give a response before he was hanging up on him. He threw his head back on the arm of the couch, sighing heavily as he sunk into the soft cushioning.

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