4. Double Agent Coochie

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I couldn't help but smile smugly the whole drive to work. Knowing that Lalisa would be waiting for me at home when I returned was definitely going to make the day a bit more bearable. Or unbearable, considering I'd probably be thinking about all the naughty things I wanted to do to my million-dollar girl, and have her do to me, for the duration of the day. Even that millisecond of thought forced me to rearrange the uncomfortable hardness that seemed to have decided to take up residence in my pants.

But I was a woman of business, and business came before pleasure. So the second Samuel opened my door and I stepped onto the pavement that led to the revolving glass entrance of my second home, my smile was gone. Stone-faced Kim had entered the building.

I was known as a hard-ass around the office. Employees who had been there since my father's day had been shocked to see his rambunctious child morph into a cutthroat wheeler dealer. But the business world was a cold, cruel bitch, and to stay ahead, you had to keep your guard up or be prepared to have your balls handed to you at the first sign of weakness.

Yoongi, the only man I trusted around this place, greeted me as I stepped through the door.

Yoongi Min was my right-hand man, my personal assistant, and probably the closest thing I had to a friend. He and his wife, Rosé, pretty much took care of every aspect of my life. Yoongi had my back at the office, and Rosé took care of my personal life. She ran my home, overseeing all of the staff and my expenses, so I never had to be bothered with the task. The maids, gardeners, and cooks were there and gone before I got home, for which I was grateful. She was also my personal shopper and made sure I looked damn good for both business and pleasure. Multitasker extraordinaire.

She was really very good at what she did, as was Yoongi. They worked together like a well-oiled piece of machinery. I'd like to think I had something to do with their getting together. After all, tending to me on a daily basis meant their paths had to cross pretty often. Despite their differences, they complemented each other. Yoongi was a laid-back, cool motherfucker, tall, southern, and never without his favourite cowboy boots. Rosé was just a hyperactive little shit who bounced all over the place. Tall and highly social, she apparently never wore the same outfit twice. Not that I'd ever really noticed, but I caught that little snippet of information during one of her rants, which I usually tried to tune out. Rosé was the yin to Yoongi's yang, so it seemed inevitable that they would end up together.

"Min," I greeted him as we walked side by side to an elevator. 

Yoongi stuck the key into the lock and opened the doors so that I could step ahead of him. I put my briefcase down and sat on the red velvet couch that stretched along the interior wall. The ceiling and each wall were mirrored to make the small space look bigger. Bigger was always better.

"So, how did it go?" he asked as he pushed the button for the fortieth floor and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

I'd been single for quite some time, and Rosé had been relentlessly trying to set me up on dates with women she considered to be a good match for me. To stave off her attempts, I finally broke down and told her that I'd been secretly seeing someone that I'd met on one of my trips to Los Angeles. She bought it and stopped trying to play matchmaker, but then she started hounding me about wanting to meet the mystery woman. Usually, I could give someone "the look" and they knew to back off, but not Rosé. She wasn't the least bit intimidated by me. I'd told her that I was going to ask my mystery lady to move in with me last night—you know, just in case I actually found something I liked at Foreplay and followed through on making a purchase, which I had.

"She said yes," I answered. "I told her to leave all of her stuff behind and I flew her in last night. She's at the house now."

"What? That's great!" he clapped me on the shoulder, his congratulations on the major step I'd taken.

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