11. What the...?

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I was dreaming. I could feel Jisoo's body against my back, holding me under a star-filled sky and whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I drew her arms tighter around my waist.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know," she whispered. "But now that I have you here, I can never let you go. Never, Lalisa. You are a part of me now. I can't let you walk away from me."

"There's no place else I'd rather be, Jisoo," I sighed, and nuzzled closer. "I want to be here like this with you forever. Hold me tight and don't ever let me go."

"Never. I love you, Lisa. Please tell me you..." her raspy voice faded out and the scene around me became fuzzy and melted away. I desperately tried to summon it back with my mind, but it was too late. I was rousing from my sleep, and it was simply gone.

"Please tell me you don't lie around and sleep all damn day."

"Huh?" I sat up and blindly looked around the room, which really didn't work well when my hair was all over my face like Cousin Itt from The Addams Family. My hands clumsily swiped at the rat's nest, enough to part the curtain of mane so that I could see the little pissant that dared disturb my slumber. Because that sure wasn't Jisoo's voice.

"Go away, Rosé," I huffed, then fell back onto the bed in dramatic fashion. I grabbed Jisoo's pillow and hugged it to my chest as I inhaled her scent and sighed contentedly. "I'm sleeping." There was still a chance I could recapture my dream if she'd stay quiet and just disappear.

"Not anymore, you're not," she said, and then I heard her skip across the room to do God only knew what, but I swore if she jumped on me, I was going to give her a thunder flick to the forehead, followed up by a wet willy to the ear. She was way too bubbly in the mornings, and probably deserved it for that fact alone, but I was biding my time so that I'd have the element of surprise on my side.

"What do you want?" I half whined as she pulled the drapes back and let the bright morning sun assault my comfy-cozy surroundings. I practically hissed and buried my face in my pillow. Then thoughts of vampires filtered into my brain, which then led to thoughts of the vampiric sex Jisoo and I had had in the entertainment room.

We should so do that again.

"Well, for starters, I'd like for you to do something with that godawful stuff you call hair," Rosé said, and I felt her delicately lift one tangled lock of it before dropping it again and rubbing her hands together. "And then we need to have a talk."

"About what?" My sleepy voice was muffled by the pillow, and I almost gagged when my morning breath came back at me. The hair could wait; I needed some toothpaste and a toothbrush.

"Stuff. Now get your little butt up before I go get a pitcher of ice water and throw it on you," she said, and smacked me on the ass.

I sat up with a huff and narrowed my eyes at her before I got right in her face. "I really can't stand you, Rosé. You know that?"

Once I'd showered, shaved, and, yes, brushed my teeth, I went back out into the bedroom, where Rosé had already made the bed and evidently picked out my clothes for the day. I dressed and threw my hair up into a messy bun before I made my way downstairs.

"Rosé?" I called, having no clue where she would be.

"In here!" she yelled from the kitchen.

When I entered, I found she already had coffee made and had poured me a cup. "Wow, you almost look human."

"You may have just saved yourself from getting your butt kicked," I countered, because the best part of waking up really was Folgers in your cup. However, I highly doubted the rich aroma I smelled was Folgers. Jisoo would've had nothing but the best gourmet coffee known to man in her house.

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