7. Baby did a bad, bad thing

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I woke the next morning to find that I was lying on my back, which wasn't how I usually slept. Something warm and heavy was on my stomach, and I cracked an eye open to investigate. Dark, tousled hair tickled my skin with each rise of her head forced by my inhalation. she was on her side, her face positioned just far enough down my body to allow her hot breath to spill across the sensitive flesh of my nether region. I closed my eyes and swallowed thickly at the sensation, feeling more like a woman than I ever had. It was a very good feeling.

Jisoo shifted in her sleep, and it drew my attention to the warmth of her hand on the inside of my thigh, dangerously close to my center. I moaned at the dual sensation of her breath and touch and then clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle the sound, hoping like crazy she hadn't heard me.

Double Agent Coochie had most definitely heard me. She was waggling her brows and motioning for me to shove her head between my legs. Please go back to sleep, Slutty McSlutterson.

Jisoo mumbled something and turned her face into my stomach. her movement actually brought her head closer to my pussy, and I arched a brow at Coochie, wondering where she'd gotten the superpowers to actually make that happen. Shameless hussy.

She cupped my thigh and slid her hand up far enough that her fingers were resting against my slit, and I instinctively pushed my hips into her. I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened, a reflex or something like that.

"Mmm," Jisoo mumbled in her sleep. At least I was pretty sure she was still asleep.

And I'll be damned if that sound, coupled with her proximity to my girly parts, didn't make me all horny. I started doing some mental calculations, wondering if I could possibly get off on her while she slept, with her never being the wiser. But of course that would've depended greatly on how heavy a sleeper she was. And let's face it, I wasn't exactly experienced in that area.

But then I suddenly remembered her words from the limo: "I'm here for your pleasure just as much as you are for mine."

So I decided to test the validity of what she had said. You know, to see if she was a someone of her word and all. It was purely for experimental purposes, so don't get all judgmental on me.

With one hand I ran my fingers through her hair, while the other brushed along her shoulder and down the length of her arm until I found the hand between my legs. Jisoo stirred a little more, snuggling into my stomach. I couldn't see her face, which meant I also couldn't see her eyes to know if she was awake. Regardless, I kept going.

I laced my fingers through her and lifted her hand to cup my pussy. The weight of her hand there sent shivers through my body and I was instantly wet. her palm rested over my clit, providing a delicious pressure that forced a tiny mewl from my lips. I covered her fingers with mine and manipulated them to move how I wanted them to between my wet folds. I thought I heard Jisoo take a sharp breath, but to be honest, with all the other sensations I was feeling at the time, I couldn't actually be sure that it wasn't all in my head.

Pushing her middle finger lower, it circled over my opening before I forced it inside my body along with my own. I was a little sore from the previous night, but not terribly so. In and out I worked her long finger. It wasn't the same as when she actually had control of her own movements and touched me the way she wanted to touch me, as only she could. Frustrated, I removed her finger and moved it along my wetness to tease my clit instead.

Both of our fingers were drenched in my arousal, effortlessly moving over the tight knot of nerves at the apex of my folds as I worked myself into a frenzied state. I could feel her twitching, definitely awake and wanting to move of her own accord. But she didn't. she left me in control, and I wasn't sure that I even really wanted it at that point. I just wanted to get off.

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