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The next morning I woke up early but decided to stay in my bed and try to get more sleep. But sadly that didn't work. Connor, Sam, and Trevor came in and tried waking me up.

"Wakey wakey Alex." Sam said. I pretend to be asleep. "Here let me try. Alex get up I made bacon." Connor said. I still didn't do anything.

"Wtf. I would of woke up instantly if someone said bacon" Trevor said. Next they tried jumping on my bed.

"KIAN,RICKY, JC. COME HERE SHE'S NOT WAKING UP" Connor yelled. The boys came running in and went straight to jumping on me.

"Ok wtf. How the hell do you wake up a teenager?" Jc said. "Wait I have an idea." Kian said. "We'll that a first." Jc mumbled. "Shutup. Now come with me." They all got up and left the room.

They came back seconds later with pans in their hands. Oh no. They started banging the pans together but stopped when they saw it didn't work.

"Ok what the actual fuck. Are we even sure she's alive." Sam said. "Of course she's al- wait," he stopped himself."Yes she's alive she's breathing." He said. They all laughed.

"Wait I have one more thing we can try." Trevor started. He cleared his throat and said,"OMG look it's HAYES GRIER!" My head shot up. "Where?!" I said trying to get up. They started laughing then I remembered what they were doing.

"Scew you guys I am going back to bed." I said and crawled back into my bed. "Oh hell no. Do you know how long it took us to wake you up?" Ricky said before he threw me over his shoulder. "Do you know how big of idiots you guys are? I was awake the whole time." I said containing my laughter. "That's it your gonna get it" Ricky said as we entered the living room.

He threw me on the couch got on top of me (again not like that) and started tickling me. "RICKY.....STOP...." I said in between breaths. He shook his head and yelled, "GET THE PEANUT BUTTER." And of course they gave it to him.

He put some in my mouth and I instantly couldn't breath. There was peanut butter stuck in my throat. I used all the strength left in my to try to push Ricky off but it was no use.

Ricky P.O.V

I was tickling Alex and I gave her peanut butter and her face turns red. She stops laughing and try to push me off. I stopped tickling her and get off. I finally realize that she is choking on the peanut butter. I got behind her and do the heimlic maneuver.

She spits up the peanut butter and starts to fall to the ground. I caught her before she hits the floor. She is breathing very heavily and crying. "Alex I am so sorry. I didn't know you were choking. I am so so sorry baby girl." I tell her as I start to cry. "K-kian" is all she says.

I look over at him and he doesn't know what to do. I nod at him telling him it's okay for him to take her. He walks towards us and picks her up.

For a 13 year old she is very small. She maybe 13 but she acts like a 10 year old. And that's why I love her. And me doing this to her kills me inside.

I look up and see Kian trying to calm Alex by slowly rocking her and rubbing circles into her back. To Danielle Kian is like an older brother to her. I can see it in the way that they act.

Alex's P.O.V

Kian took me over to the couch and tried to calm me down. He rubbed circles into my back and rocking my slowly back and forth. I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

****few hours later****

I wake up in my bed and the memories from earlier come flooding back. I get up and change into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt and a red flannel. I throw my converse and grab my phone.

I was about to turn on Netflix when I heard a bunch of people laughing downstairs. I head downstairs and walk into the living room. Instantly everyone's attention was turned to me. I take a step back. You might think 'Oh she's been in so many homes,there is no way she is shy'. Well your wrong, I am extremely shy.

"Oh good Alex your awake. I want you to meet some people." Ricky says grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room. I scan the room and instantly reconize some people

In the living room was Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes, Matt Espinosa and the one and only Hayes Grier. Our eyes immediately lock. Ricky must of noticed because he quickly pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Okay Alex this is Andrea, Jenn, Arden, Jack, Tyler, Anthony, Andrew, and Rebeca. And I am guessing you know the Magcon boys." Ricky said mocking mine and Hayes' moment.

I look up and glare and him. He just smirks. "Hi." I finally say.

Not long after I am felt very comfortable with theses guys. I was talking to Anthony and Jenn when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Hayes.

"Umm hi Alex. I'm Hayes Grier. I'm Nash's lil brother." He said. I could tell he was nervous but I don't know why.

Hayes' P.O.V.

I was talking to Matt when some girl comes from downstairs. She is gorgeous. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looks at me and our eyes lock. We stay like that for a few seconds but Ricky noticed.

I don't really think Ricky likes me but I am not quite sure. I do realize that she is his daughter but I really hope he we let me date her soon.

She goes around the room talking and getting to know everyone and I can't help but stare. I look over and notice Ricky is glaring at me. I go up to Alex and start talking to her. So people say that they don't believe in love and first sight. But I am sure as hell glad I do.

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now