Day out

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It's been a week since I've been grounded and no matter what I try, Ricky won't unground me. And I've tried everything from making him breakfast to bribing him.

I was sitting in my room reading Paper Towns when Kian came in. "Your boyfriend is here." He said. I nodded and got off my bed. I checked myself in the mirror like any other girl does and then headed downstairs.

I enter the living room and see the guys and Hayes. Once he noticed me he smiled and stood up and came towards me. "Hey babe. How are you doing?" He asked bring me into a hug. I sighed.

"It's been a long week. And I still have another week." I said looking at Ricky. "Come on let's go talk in the back." I said pulling him towards the backyard.

"How has it been a long week?" Hayes asked.

"All week they've been doing fun stuff like bowling and ice skating. And when I would ask Ricky if I could go, he would always say no then leave me home alone." I say.

"Come on let's go to my house. You seem like you need to get away from these guys for awhile." He said pulling me up from my chair. "Good luck convincing my dad to let me go." I tell him.

We walk back into the livingroom and see all the guys on their phones. "Hey Ricky is it okay if Alex comes to my house to hang out?" Hayes asks politely. Ricky stands up and walks over to us. "Didn't she tell you? She's still grounded. So that's a no." He says sternly.

"It's not like we're gonna be alone. Cam and Nash and gonna be there. And I'll be back before my cerfue." I argue. After about 10 minutes of arguing with the guys' help, I'm aloud to go to Hayes' and be back before 7. It's noon now so we have time to chill.

We skate to his house hand in hand just talking and laughing. Once we got there we decided to do the 1D quiz. And of course I won. "Of course you'd win, your a girl." Hayes says. "What does being a girl have to do with winning?" I ask.

"Well cause girls know everything." He said trying to save himself. "Good answer Grier." I whispered then lean in connecting our lips. I was sitting on the counter and he was standing in front of me so he put his hands on my waist.

"My eyes! It burns!"

We pull apart and turn to the left. Standing there was Nash and Cam with their phones out. "Wait till Ricky sees this." Nash says. "No please don't send that to him. I'm in enough trouble as it is." I stop him. "So what are you guys doing today?" I ask them.

"We're inviting some people over to film a video. What about you love birds?" He asks grinning like an idiot. "Where just going to hang out and watch movies and or Netflix." Hayes says. They nod and we made our to their movie room.

When I walked into the home theater, I was pushed onto one of the recliner chairs. "Let's continue what we started shall we." He said leaning down connecting our lips. He picked me up and sat me down on his lap so that I was now straddling his waist.

It started to get heated fast. I felt his hands slip up my shirt. But they stayed on my waist. He went down to kissing my neck. He came to a spot that when he kissed me it sent shivers down my spine. As he started to leave a mark I shuddered. He licked then blew on the mark send chills down my spine.

"I've left my mark babe. Your mine now." Hayes said looking at me. I just giggled then got off his lap. "So what movie do you want to watch?" I asked. It was only 1 o'clock so we had plenty of time.

***** A few hours later *****

I looked at the time and it was 6:48. I guess that means I have to go. I don't feel like moving because I'm wrapped in Hayes' arms and is so comfortable.

"Hey babe?" I said getting his attention.

"Hmm?" He responded.

"I need to go home. It's 6:49 now and I don't want to get in trouble."

"Ugghhhhhh. I don't want you to go." He said pulling me closer to his chest.

"Me neither, but I have to." I said then got up. He got up to.

"Come on, I'll have Nash drive us." Says putting on his shoes. We walk out of the home theater and to the living room. "Hey Nash, can you give me ride home?" I asked. He nodded, grabbed his keys and we left. And of course Hayes being Hayes, he had to come.

We were in the car, Hayes and I in the back, rocking out to some music when Nash turns it down to say something.

"Hey Alex, that's a pretty nice mark you got there." He smirks. Oh s***!

"Oh crap! Is it noticeable?!" I practically yelled. "It's only a lot noticeable." He said trying to be funny. "I'm screwed." I sighed. "Here take my hoodie so they won't see it." Hayes said giving me his jacket.

Me and Hayes got out and walked to my front porch. "Thank you for helping me convince my dad to let me get out of the house tonight." I said to Hayes.

"Anything for you babe." He said then pulled me in for a kiss. He broke the kiss and engulfed me into a hug. "I love you so much Alex." Hayes said still hugging me.

"I love you too Hayes." I said into his shoulder. We hugged for a few more seconds when the front door swings open.

"Ok enough of this lovey dovey stuff it 7 o'clock on the dot. Say bye Alex." Ricky said with a staight face.

"Goodnight Hayes."

"Goodnight Alex."

We hugged one more time then I went inside.

"Did you have a good time." Ricky asked as we went into the living room. I nodded and sat down next to Kian on the couch. "Ok well I'm going to the store. Text me if you need anything." He said then left.

Once he left Kian spoke up. "That's a nice mark you got on your neck Alex." He smirks.

"Don't tell my dad!" I exclaimed.

"Don't tell your dad what." I heard from the left.

I turn and see, Ricky.

Oh s***.

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now