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Ricky's P.O.V

It's about 7:40 and we're just pulling up to the airport. Our flight leaves at 8:30. "Alex. Wake up." I said attempting to wake her, but she didn't wake. "Alex come on child we're gonna miss our flight." I heard her sigh. "Ok. I'm up." She said sitting up.

I got out of the car and started to unload our luggage. "What time is it?" Alex asked getting out of the car. "7:45." I said handing her one of her bags and her carry-on backpack. "I'm tired." She said softly leaning on the car. "Me too. We can sleep on the plane. Come on if we hurry we can get some subway before we get on the plane." She just nods.

We walked into the airport and went through security and all that wonderful crap your forced to do. We had 20 minutes till our flight so we got some subway. We sat down and started eating. We sat there in silence, let the bonding begin.

"Are you excited for the trip?" I ask. She smiles. "Duh. I've never been to Hawaii before. How was it like when you went?" She asked. I smiled. This is gonna be fun.

"Flight 367 to Hawaii is now boarding." We heard over the announcements. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded. She looked a little nervous. I wonder if she's ever been on an airplane. We walked towards the gate and gave our tickets to the lady. We then found our seats and luckily we got the aisle all to our selves.

As we were about to take off I look over at Alex and see her gripping the armrest. "Hey its gonna be okay. Trust me I've been on tons of plane rides. It helps if you sleep." I say calming her down. She nods and rests her head on my shoulder. "Night dad. I love you." I hear her say. I smile and leaned my head on Alex and fell asleep.

Skip plane ride.

Alex's P.O.V

I was soundly sleeping when I felt someone shaking me. "Alex wake up. We've landed." My eyes shot open. "We're in Hawaii?" I said quickly sitting and and looking out the window. Ricky chukled. "Yup and the faster we get off the plane the more time we have." He said getting our stuff down.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the plane into the crowded airport. "Alex slow down!" Ricky yelled grabbing my arm. "Calm down Ricky. I'm not 5 years old." I said yanking my arm back. He quickly grabbed my arm again and pulled me closer to him with a very tight grip. "Do not start with your teenage crap. Okay? I am not gonna put up with it this trip. So knock it off." He barked. I nodded. He let go of my arm and walked towards the claim. Well this should be fun. I wonder what Hayes is doing.

Ricky's P.O.V

As I started walking towards the baggage claim I couldn't help but yell at myself for snapping at Alex. I'm just in a bad mood because my girlfriend and I got into a little fight over text on the plane. I haven't told Alex that I'm dating Alexa Losey. And I made all the guys promise not to tell her. I'm just afraid of how she'll react. But I plan to tell her when we get back.

I grab Alex's luggage and hand it to her then grab mine. We walked out of the airport and I called an Uber. As we waited I couldn't help but notice tears running down Alex's face. I sighed. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm just in a bad mood right now and this vacation is not going as planed." I said scooting closer to her.

She sniffled. "It's ok." Was all she said ad she wiped her tears. I just sighed and kept quiet. When the Uber arrived, I put all of our luggage in the trunk and sat next to Alex in the back. When I got on the car she had her headphones in and was gazing out the window. I told the driver where to go and we were off to the hotel.

We arrived at the hotel, checked in then went to find our room. We were in the elevator when the lights started to flash and the elevator stop. "Dad what's going on?!" Alex started panicking. "I don't know. But it's gonna be ok. I promise." I said trying to calm her down. I pressed the emergency button but nothing happened. Great the powers out.

It was completely dark and I was about to lose it. The only thing you can hear is the sound of Alex crying. "Come here Alex. It's gonna be okay I promise." I assured her. She crawled over to me and I held her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. After awhile she fell asleep. I kept rocking her until I fell asleep not long after.

**** A few hours later ****

Alex's P.O.V

I was sleeping in Ricky's arms when I started hearing g banging on the door. "Hello is anyone in there?" Someone yelled. "Yes help us please!" I yelled back. the doors started open slowly. As they open more I was able to see firefighters prying the doors open. Once they opened it I shook Ricky, waking him up, then ran out.

"Freedom!!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air. "Oh child what am I going to do with you." Ricky said coming out of the elevator with our stuff. I grabbed my luggage from him. "Well at least we're on our floor." Ricky said walking down the hall. I followed him until he stopped at a door. He unlocked it and I ran past and plopped myself on the bed.

"Well because there's only 1 bed, I hope you enjoy the floor." I said putting my hands behind my head and closing my eyes. "Yeah right. Scoot over." Ricky said pushing me off the bed. "Ouch. That wasn't very nice Ricky." I said climbing back onto the bed. He scooted over a little so we can both fit. "Opps. It was an accident." He said.


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