Day Routines and Free Time Headcanons

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Author's Note: Hey Guys I am trying to speed up my writing with chapters since I told you guys that I would be publishing a chapter every 2 days. Have to catch up on work so I might be slow but don't worry it will end soon! So first let us get on with our coolest headcanons! 

By The Way, Feel Free to Send Pixane Requests to me for this book, It would be great!


- Zane would wake up earlier than Pixal

- Pixal would sometimes tend to wake at 6:30 am

- They are both good at making Breakfast together

- Often give each other hugs in the morning to wake each other up

- Both tend to read books after making breakfast

- Zane might even turn on the radio if he is alone

- Zane sometimes makes the best breakfast possible for Pixal instead of the others

- Both might even start repairing or creating more mechs and vehicles if the others don't come soon enough for breakfast.

- Both might cuddle on the couch before the others come in

- Pixal tends to walk to the shopping centre in the early mornings

- Zane tends to give morning kisses to Pixal in the morning if she doesn't wake up

- Pixal tends to wake up Zane gently if he doesn't wake up at the proper time, the only time she went playful was the time Nya dared her to jump on Zane's bed and attempt to wake him up using the craziest way.

She woke up Zane like this:

- Both might do training early

- Both might go for early morning walks or runs

- Zane might tend to brush Pixal's hair just to make her happy


- Both would make lunch

- Zane would play games if he has got nothing to do

- Might continue repairing mech and vehicles

- Both might do their normal chores if they have nothing to do

- Both might watch a movie if no one is in the lounge room

- Pixal might think of going out shopping

- During the evening Pixal would tend to sweep the floor outside in the courtyard

- Pixal would sometimes sew new clothes and ninja suits

- Zane sometimes would put on the radio and would put on his humour switch if he is bored and wants to cheer someone up

- Both would hang out under the cherry blossom tree

- Pixal sometimes would play games but it isn't like what the ninja would play, she likes playing the game called The Room. There are 4 apps that follow, she likes them because it is based on mystery and she likes doing mystery games. (This is an actual game, I play it but it does have a few dark themes)

- Zane would sometimes join her and help her with the game if it was very tricky

- Pixal would sometimes help little animals if they are hurt

- Both would sometimes go and read books

- If it was cold both of them might cuddle on the couch and switch on the heater


- Both would make dinner

- Zane would make dinner most of the time

- Both would watch a movie at night with the others or alone

- Pixal sometimes doesn't go to sleep and works on other things

- Zane sometimes stays up late at night just to clean up the monastery before anyone goes there

- Sometimes when Pixal or Zane have nightmares they would both comfort each other and stay with each other.

- Even though Kai teases them, Pixal and Zane don't go over the line when they sleep together. (This is a rule I have, or I am creating something disgusting. I love Zane and Pixal being gentle softies with each other)

- If Pixal slept with Zane for comfort she would sometimes hog the quilt they share

- Zane loves hugging Pixal when he is asleep

- During the night Pixal would sometimes wake up to Zane next to her murmuring things

- Sometimes when Zane is scared or sad he would sometimes asks Pixal to sing him a song or lullaby to him. Pixal even sings lullabies when he doesn't ask to, but he still enjoys them.

- When Pixal is scared or sad, Zane would cuddle with her in bed or even pat her back and try to make her calm.

- Sometimes Zane would play on the piano before he goes to sleep just to calm his nerves

- If Pixal and Zane don't have time to go to bed or if they are not bothered, they would end up sleeping on the couch.

- Pixal sometimes likes to light up scented candles in her room before going to sleep since she loves smelling scents from candles before going to sleep.

- Zane loves Pixal's good night kisses and hugs

Author's Note: Hey Guys well that is one of the longest headcanons I have got, normally my headcanon chapters are short due to the fact it is only about one topic so yeah there isn't much. So my next chapter is Detective themed, yep there are 2 detectives. So see ya later!

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