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"Would you rather never eat fast food again, or only eat fast food for the rest of your life?" I ask Liam randomly, kicking my feet up onto his lap

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"Would you rather never eat fast food again, or only eat fast food for the rest of your life?" I ask Liam randomly, kicking my feet up onto his lap.

"Definitely, only eat fast food" He replies easily, placing his arm over my shins, holding my legs in place.

"But you'd..." I begin to say but am cut off by the sudden change in tune that Gus is playing from the corridor.

Tee and Carmen rush in and begin ballroom dancing to it, presumably trying to make fun of Gina for dancing with a broom, which they caught her doing earlier.

I wriggle my legs out of Liam's grip and jump up off the sofa, holding my hand out for him to get up with a playful expression on my face. "May I have this dance?" I joke to which he chuckles and takes my hand.

We begin dancing around the living room, not very well, but it's fun either way. "Ouch!" I yell when Liam steps on my foot for the 100th time. "You're rubbish at this"

"And you're much better?" He raises a questioning eyebrow, spinning me around when he receives no response.

Footsteps in the corridor draw my attention away from Liam and I am greeted by the sight of Elektra, Tracy and a blonde girl I've never seen before.

"Kia, Liam, this is Elektra's friend Kali" Tracy introduces, yelling slightly over the music and I smile at the girl in greeting, but receive a smug look in response.

She spares me only a quick glance before her attention is focused solely on Liam, trailing up and down his body. I'm suddenly overtaken by an unfamiliar burst of jealousy that causes me to grip Liam's hand tighter.

Kali flashes him a flirtatious smile before they keep walking down the corridor. As soon as they've passed, I drop Liam's hands, stepping away from him.

He looks confused as I avoid eye contact with him and fan my face, suddenly feeling like it's 100 degrees in this room.

"You good?" He asks and I simply nod in response.

I honestly couldn't explain why I'm taking some girl being interested in him so seriously, it's not like it's Liam's fault. I mean, he barely even payed any attention to her. Maybe I'm just insecure, and this is a reflection of that.

"I just need a drink" I reply, rushing towards the door, and hoping he doesn't follow me. But it's Liam so of course he fucking follows me.

We walk into the kitchen as Sapphire is grabbing a juice from the fridge and listening to Elektra's introduction of Kali.

"Right so you're doing the whole gang thing again then?" She asks accusingly as I grab two drinks from the fridge and hand one to Liam. I try desperately to ignore the fact that Kali is blatantly staring at Liam.

"What?" Elektra replies. "No, I'm done with gangs and so is Kali"

"So you're a completely different person then?"

We Go Down Together || Liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now