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Jack was at home, sitting on his couch and was probably thinking about his life ahead. To be honest, he didn't really know what to do at the moment. The only thing he knew was that he should apologize to Camila and Johnson, and that was even impossible to think of the words to say.

He messed up big time - that was for sure.

He thought about what he said, and he rubbed his face. Why did he even say those things – he knew Camila would be devastated. It wasn't like she wanted his money, he happily gave it to her – she deserved it anyways.

Watching Camila tear up was heart breaking, but he didn't stay. He knew how to comfort her, he knew how to cheer her up – but what was he supposed to do when he was the one causing her tears? He groaned and laid back on the couch again, not really sure what would happen.

He knew he fell for her since day 1, and that was absurd to just say out of the blue. He thought about how Camila told him, and she didn't even know about his feelings for her. he was the one with the balls. Idiot.

He wanted her, he loved her. He has always been there for her before Amanda came. He didn't even know why he fell for Amanda anyways, she wasn't even great to talk with, and it will always end up in her sexually teasing him and getting what she wanted. She was a beauty, but she never had the brains.

Camila had both, and he wanted that. He just doesn't know if he deserves it at the moment. He got up from the couch, and knew he had to at least do something, he had to try.

The only thing listed on his things to do was apologize, and he might as well just go and do it.


Camila was working, even though being offered another day off – she kindly declined the offer. Staying at bed, moping over Jack and how much he broke her wouldn't make her any better. The diner's got free ice cream at the back anyways, so that's a bonus. If she needed ice cream, she might as well run to the back and dwell in free ice cream. Such a freakin good life.

As she wiped the counters, she couldn't help but feel tears well up in her eyes. This sucks, she thought. Even if she stayed at home and buried herself like a burrito, she wouldn't have to watch the scene from yesterday over replay at the place in front of her. Now she felt herself regretting coming to the diner.

Well, damn.

She just looked at the table where they sat yesterday, and tasted the salty tears in her mouth. She quickly wiped them away, and walked to the back. Washing her face, she looked in the mirror and saw the redness of her eyes has much lessened since it was wrecked from last night.

Last night.


She closed her eyes, and found herself picturing an image of her and Johnson as he comforted her before heading to bed. He was such a lovely guy, and she'd be stupid not to return his feelings. At least that's what she thought.

Thinking of Johnson, she immediately reminded herself of their plans for tonight, and she found herself sighing. Yes, call her quick and slick – she just didn't want to wait any more. She was tired of acting like a grumpy bitch, and agreed to Johnson's request. Even if he did ask her on a date for the end of the week as he was scared he was rushing things, Camila assured him that he was not. Thus, resulting in Camila wanting it to be soon – so, the date was tonight.

She ate three spoons of vanilla ice cream, and decided to give it a rest. She thought of Jack again, and she still couldn't help but tear up whenever his name was on her mind. It seemed like his name was always there, and it didn't want to move away. It was dancing in her head, fluttering like a beautiful butterfly. Beautiful, just like he was.

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