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// third update. well, damn. //

Camila was asleep in her bed, and she was practically dead. As soon as she left the hospital, she took a quick shower and slept. Yes, she was glad that Jack had woke up but right now she just needed the sleep. She was damn tired, and thinking about her other problems wouldn't be such help at the moment.

Johnson had messaged and called her repeatedly, but Camila wasn't aware of his actions. She was sleeping and lying still like a dead body. Thank god for her snoring, or nobody would've guessed her being there.

Johnson was shaking her shoulder slowly, trying to wake her up. He didn't want to disturb her beauty sleep, but he bought her pizza – her favourite. He thought she would've wanted them, since she had always groaned whenever he brought greens and diet stuff. She never liked them anyways.

As Camila opened her eyes, and saw Johnson holding her shoulder, she abruptly sat up while rubbing her eyes. "Hi." She knew Johnson knew where she placed her key, but this was the first time he was here without her knowing. Or maybe she didn't check her phone. Oh, yeah.

"Hey," Johnson stood up from the bed, but Camila patted the spot in front of her, so he sat down again. "Jack woke up."

"Yeah, I know. I was there, but I came home after," Camila looked around for her phone, but decided she was too lazy to do so, "what time is it?"

"It's 6 in the evening," Camila's eyes widened and she rummaged her pillow for her phone. She was one to place it under the pillow, it feels safer there anyways. She looked at it, and discovered that she had slept for 18 hours. Well, that was definitely a record for her.


"Oh my god, I slept for 18 hours," she groaned into her palm, and felt her head throbbing suddenly. Must've been the oversleeping, hmmph.

"You hungry? I bought pizza." Johnson said, while peeking at Camila whose head were still in her hands. But at the mention of pizza, her face suddenly bolted to look at him.

"You bought pizza? Really?" Camila raised her eyebrow at him, and Johnson just smiled. Camila felt like he was a bit off, but decided to shrug it off.

"So, you wanna eat or rest?" Johnson asked, his eyes looking at other places other than her eyes.

"Nah, I'm kinda dizzy. Must've been the 18 hours' sleep, like really, oh my god," she rubbed her temples slightly, and that made Johnson hold her by the elbow.

"You should rest," Johnson rubbed her arm slightly, but Camila just shook her head.

"Nope, no more rest for me." Camila giggled, but immediately frowned at Johnson's straight face.

What's wrong with him, she thought.

Shrug off or nah? What the heck.

"Johnson, you okay?" she asked, slightly worried. Johnson looked at her, and turned away, nervous etched upon his face.

"Can we talk?" those words were freaking Camila out, but she didn't have any time to worry. She was a wreck already.

"I guess," Camila played with the hem of her shirt, and she was still under the comforters. The air conditioning was still on, and the air was cool.

"Sure you don't wanna go eat or sleep or anything else?" Johnson was obviously nervous, and that made Camila jittery.

"Johnson, please just tell me now."

He sighed, and took a breath, "Well, I'm not really sure how to say this – but I think we need to break up."

Camila looked up at him, and felt unsure of what was she supposed to say. It was as if she felt numb or nothing, she wasn't even sure herself.

"What do you mean, Johnson?"

"It's for the best Camila. I'm sorry, but I think we should."

Camila was still in her position, and watched as Johnson took her hands in his, she wasn't even looking at him. Johnson sighed, and tilted her chin so she was looking into his pools of ocean eyes.

"But why? What was I doing wrong?" Johnson was cut off by Camila, and Johnson sighed again.

"I'm sorry Camila, but I know you're not into me like you're into Jack, and I apologize. I know you think you want me, but you don't need me. You need Jack," Camila had tears in her eyes, threatening to spill. "I did something before you got into the accident, and I really regret doing it. I really hope you understand, and you're willing to accept my apology."

Camila was looking at him again, a frown etched upon her forehead, "What did you do?"

"Can I explain about you and Jack first?" Camila found herself frowning at his request, but nodded slowly. She wasn't looking at him anymore, but Johnson wanted her to.

"Remember when we were at Karaoke Night, and he was all over Amanda – I saw the hurt in your eyes. I wanted to help you - it felt like a need anyways. So, I tried my luck, and the first time you called me was when you saw Amanda with her boss, it seems like you couldn't stop talking about what Jack would feel but all he did was wreck you up anyways," Johnson paused, only to lick his lips. "And, you keep calling out Jack whenever we had sex, I mean yes, my name's Jack, but you've never called me Jack. I'm Johnson to you, and I want you to know that."

Camila's tears leaked at his words, and she sobbed. She knew it was her fault, and she felt guilty.

"Johnson, I am so so sorry, please understand that I had no intention of-," Johnson held his finger to her lips, as a sign to shut her mouth in a gentle way. Well, at least it felt like it.

"It's not all your fault. I kinda did something too," Johnson scratched the back of his neck, and Camila frowned while the tears stopped flowing. "I am sorry Camila, but I cheated on you."

Camila was taken aback by his words, and found herself gripping onto her shirt. She looked up at him, and mouthed an O, only to have Johnson take her hands in his again.

"Look, I'm sorry okay – but I wanted you to know that it was because I was drunk and all that shit, but please I'm sorry." Johnson tilted her face, and she looked at him as tears flowed again. "Please, say something."

Camila looked at him, and gripped onto his hands, "I'm sorry you felt that way Johnson. I'm sorry for the wreckage I've caused." She caressed his cheek, and Johnson smiled.

"No, it's just we're never meant to be, and I want you to be with Jack." Johnson held her cheeks in his hand, and Camila immediately frowned at his words. "I have to let you go, because you deserve better than me – you deserve Jack freakin Gilinsky."

Camila laughed at his words, and Johnson kissed her forehead feverishly. She rested her head onto his chest, and they sat there for a while – a moment of silence was needed after everything that had happened. Camila wasn't even angry at Johnson, they were a mess anyways.

Johnson felt like this was a really confusing situation he was in. now it made sense, he wanted to do something. He had to.

Jack didn't cherish what he had, even though it was right in front of him and that was all he needed. He thought he needed better, but Camila was the best. They deserved each other, and that was enough. Jack was definitely a fool to let Camila go, but he's already back on track. That douchebag finally realized he was supposed to be in love with her, and that made Johnson realize something.

They wanted the best for each other, but little did they know – they were the best for each other. 

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