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up to the ten digits. woohoo. \m/ 

fact : camila is beautiful.

Ashley was telling Camila all about her weekend with Nate – yes, they had naked Saturday and Sunday fest at the house that belonged to Nate. Camila wasn't really enjoying herself - she was literally hashtagging everything that Ashley said as relationship goals. She felt useless, really. But hey what was friends for?

Speaking of friends, Jack had been missing in action since the night at the pub. Johnson was the middle person really, he kept coming over saying that Jack had stuff to do or he was busy with assignments. Camila just shrugged, even though it was the main topic that disturbed her mind whenever she thought of him. There were only messages from Camila asking how he was, and his reply coming about seven hours later.

It made her sad, she was disappointed really. She didn't really know what to do, thus she did nothing.

Sitting in the diner, she was actually taking her time off while waiting for Johnson. They had promised each other to meet up at the diner for some hot chocolate at the new café down the block. They didn't really go on dates - it was just some daily routine of seeing each other. It was always Johnson, to be honest. He was the one who always had some plan to do the next day, and he had always wanted to drag her along.

Camila didn't complain - she actually needed the company. She didn't feel lonely like she should be, but so it happened. She couldn't really shut Jack out from her life.

She was currently taking a rest at the back of the diner, talking to Ashley who was on duty. She had to work since she had been on her vacation the usual days she worked. She had to work again, and Camila could get some rest from covering Ashley up the whole weekend.

As you can tell, she wasn't really listening to what Ashley was telling her about. She knew she was telling her about all the old movies that Nate and her watched over the weekend, but she wasn't really listening. She was busy watching the girl who had come in, holding on to some old guy who looked like he owns a whole bunch of money.

That was when it caught her. "Ash, look. Over there." Camila stood up from her seat, and Ashley frowned. "Yeah, I get it. Another customer, ok." Ashley was a second from walking away, but Camila turned her around and that caught Ashley's attention.

"Ash! That's Amanda!" Camila whisper shouted as her voice was loud but hushed, only for Ashley to hear. Ashley looked over her shoulder, and looked back at Camila. "Oh shit, she looks like a stripper. Who the hell is he?"

"How am I supposed to know? Her uncle maybe? C'mon, go on!" Camila pushed Ashley out of the door, so she could go and get their orders. It was already fifteen minutes to ten, what were they still doing here? Camila watched as Amanda was in her slutty outfit, and she was holding the elder man in inappropriate places. That was totally not her uncle, she thought.

She watched as Ashley took their order, and as soon as Ashley left, she didn't really pass the orders to the back – meaning they didn't order any food. Maybe only some drinks. Yeap, Ashley was preparing milkshakes. Damn, there goes her chance to ask Ashley questions, she thought.

She watched as they began lip-locking, her hands behind his head, bringing him closer for perfect closure. She was practically sitting on her lap in a matter of a few seconds, well damn. Camila frowned at the make out session in front of her. She watched and suddenly felt like she had to do something. She grabbed her phone, and dialed a number that hasn't ever been dialed on her phone before.

He picked up on the first ring. "Cam?"

"Johnson, come over, right now!" Camila said into the phone. Yes, it was the first time calling him, and even though she didn't really have a reason to do so, she felt like it was something she had to do.

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