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// jaymes young is a babe. //

"Jack, get up!" Camila smacked his head with the pillow that had fallen off the bed. Jack groaned, and that made Camila sit on the edge of the bed. "You have therapy in 15 minutes, and I have to go to work to meet Betty. Please just wake the fck up now."

Jack sat up immediately on the bed, and rubbed his eyes. Camila smiled at him, before smacking his arm again. Jack winced playfully, and smiled at Camila. "Sorry Cammie."

Jack was now at home, released after two nights of observation at the hospital. Camila moved in temporarily, having to agree to Jack's plead with an excuse of taking care of him. She agreed, unsure if it was forced or not.

She didn't bother anyways.

Taking care of Jack the past week was good - they had their fair share of moments. Jack was being a big baby, and as much as Camila wanted to smack his head off – she didn't. She admired him with all her heart, and him being a baby made it even better. It made her fall deeper, if it was even possible.

"Aww Cammie, do you really have to go to work?" Jack pouted at her, and slowly reached out for her, and grabbed her by the waist and literally pulled her to his side. Camila squealed at his grip, but just found herself laughing.

"I have to Jack – I've been skipping hours anyway the past week. I got a big baby to take care of right here." Camila poked his nose, and Jack held her wrist.

Jack laid back on the bed, and pulled Camila with him. She laughed and Jack just continued to nuzzle his face in the crook of her neck, leaving pecks behind her ear. He sniffed her hair, and that made Camila laugh again. "Jack!"

They had been mending their broken strings the past week. It felt like they knew they couldn't deny their feelings for each other, but they didn't want to rush it anyway. Their feelings were already proven otherwise, they didn't need words to describe love.

Jack felt her love with her caring attitude, bringing him food and treating his bandages. Camila was being the Camila he had fallen in love with, and will his love was definitely growing. Just wait until his brace is off, he'll show her.

Having Camila stay over with him made it even better. He'd stay up for her to get back from work, and he'd listen to her rants like he used to and they would cuddle in his bed, making the warmth spread through each other. He loved kissing her forehead, cheeks, chin and neck – he just wanted to kiss her lips so bad, but decided not to.

Who knows – she might be asking for it anyways. Ha ha.

Camila was a big chapter of his life, and he wanted her to remain as one forever. He wanted her, and he felt the desire burning throughout his soul.

He needed her. That was sure.


"You shouldn't have done anything, you know? We could've just ordered pizza and stayed home," Camila said, watching Jack as he drove ahead, eyes on the road.

"Can you just accept the fact that I want to take you out on a real date?" Jack looked at her, a smirk on his lips. Camila rolled her eyes, and Jack took her hand and brought it to his lips.

Yes, it has been a month since they have been together – and Jack was finally on his two feet again. Camila kept dodging Jack who wanted to take her out on a date, since he wasn't even able to walk a few weeks ago. As Jack had his braces off, taking Camila out was the first thing that he wanted to do.

Camila just smiled at their intertwined hands, and looked out of the window. Being cuddled up to Jack with popcorn and movies was enough to her, but Jack demanded to take her out officially this time. They weren't really dressed up, but at least this time they weren't in pyjamas.

When they reached the so called destination, Camila laughed.

"Such a nice place, never seen it before Jack." Camila looked at him.

Jack walked up to her, and held her hand, "Shut up Cammie," He pinched her cheeks, "this is the first place we met – can't you see I'm trying to be romantic here?"

Jack chuckled at Camila's face as she tried to hold in back a laugh.

The diner was closed, and Camila knew Jack had planned something. Ashley and Betty wouldn't miss the chance to let Jack take her out anyways – so the diner was reserved for the both of them only.

Typical Jack.

As they walked inside, Jack led her to a booth where there was a single rose placed on the table. Camila looked up at Jack, and Jack was grinning at her. "We suck at dates."

Jack frowned at Camila's words, and Camila just stuck her tongue out at him.

"Meh, who cares? As long as you're with me, aight?" Jack slid into the booth and was now sitting across her.

"Jack, you're such a cheeseball." Jack winked at her, and got out of the booth so suddenly, it made the table shake. Camila just laughed at him.

"At least I'm trying here," he walked to the familiar counter as Camila has been working here since five years ago. He magically returned with a box of pizza, "Speaking of cheese, I got you your favourite. Double Cheese Classified Chicken."

Jack was holding the box in his hands, and Camila smiled at him.

Handsome guy and a box of pizza, yes please.

He placed it in front of her, and eyed her carefully. Camila felt weirded out with his facial expression, but decided to just open the pizza box aka where the heavenly smell was coming from.

As she opened the box, she gasped and looked up at Jack who was grinning at her. She laughed and bit her fingers, stopping herself from squealing out loud.

"Jack, this is fucking cool. Like seriously, way cool." Jack was sitting across her again, and this time he had paper plates and juice boxes served on the table. Camila grinned at the gesture, and couldn't help but aww at the juice boxes.

The pizza had double cheese alright, and topped with cheese sauce. Only this time, the cheese sauce had been written on the pizza, and it said 'Be Mine Cammie.'

That was fucking amazing, for sure.

"You can eat it if you say yes," Jack sipped his juice box and looked at Camila with a smirk on his lips. Camila shook her head at his words, he was unbelievable.

"What if I say no?" Camila asked playfully, taking a sip from her juice box too.

"No food for you then." Jack answered, looking at her, and Camila laughed.

"That is such a bad proposal Gilinsky." Camila watched as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You're gonna eat it anyways."

"Damn right I will." She ripped out two slices for the both of them, and they laughed.

Best proposal ever.

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