Chap 2: pt 2: The Villians:

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The fight was still on and we couldn't get our teacher out of the villian that we now know as Nightmare, we tried to yell at our teacher while fighting telling him not to give up the fight, that he could win and that we believed in him. Now time must show that our teacher would make it out or if he needed our help even more "you won't get away with this Nightmare! We will stop you!" I yelled out with a heavy sigh "oh?! Really? But your teachers are on their knees facibg their fear and worries! So I might dare say. You and which army?!" He laughed before the doors of the other classes were pushed open and a giant hand took him in their hand and threw him to the wall "that army? I guess..." I smilled Kio had made it to the other classes, and they decided to help.

Kio being the eldest out of the students took command "okay everyone! I know it's dangerous but we can do it! This is what we are trainning to be! So let's show them what we can do! WHO'S WITH ME?!" Some of the other classes rolled their eyes but with big smiles on them "I AM!" Was surrounding us, this almost brought me to tears "this is touching and everything, but how do a bouch of kids plan on taking a group of villians?" The Nightmare villian laughed "oh but who said we were alone?" "Your teachers are on the floors facing their greatest fear!" Kio and Jim smiled looking at me then we looked to the villians "uhm uh... you're right... how could we possible take a group of villians down? Sensei do you have some ideas for that?" Our teacher patted the nightmare villian on the shoulder " hey! You know I'm getting tired of your games! But maybe with the help of heroes Elistor." He punched the villian in the nose then the cheek and finally his stomach "I would give up if I was you." Our teacher told before standing in fromt of the classes together with the other heroes.

The battle was at it's pike of the battle, me and Kio vs a shadow teleporting villian that teleported between me and Kio making it hard to hit them " ow! You idiot..." "sorry." "It's fine just hit the villian instead of me." Kio swang a hit to the villian but hit me "ow now you hit me instead!" "Urgh this is getting annoying... on three?" Courius I asked Kio and Kimba who stood beside us "yes on three." Kimba started "one..." the Kio "two.." "three!" I yelled.
The three of us hit the villian first at the belly then Kimba shooted his firework powers at the shadow villian then Kio used his frostbites power, then there was me hitting the villian as much as I could.

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