Chap 2: pt 3: The Villians:

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"Come on hit him harder Elistor! I know you can!" Kio yelled near his breakingpoint "I'm hitting her as hard as I can." Fustrated I yelled back at Kio "besides it's not like I can do much better!" A big light shores came behind me "LEAVE MY BABY BROTHER ALONE!" Turning my head for a second I could see my brother firing my way "The Day? You're here! Helping me?!" This caused The Day to smile " 'course I did I wouldn't be a good hero if I didn't." The villians sigh before disappearing through a shadowportal "*sigh* now I need to locate them again..." The Day nearly disappeared but turned to look at me "see you later little bro... you are doing great." My brother disappeared short time afterwards.

Sighing I smiled before waving "see you!" Kio walked over to me "wouw are The Day really your brother.... But don't you go in class with your siblings?" The class walked over to us "yeah don't you?" Knowing I had to explain this to them I sigh "I do go in class with my siblings, but we have another brother there is a pro hero... he is years oldere than me and me siblings." "Oh that's why!" They laughed nervously.
I smiled at them "listen I don't want you to change the way you see me." I rupped the back of my hed nervously "besides I'm just your classmate still so please..." Kio smiled at me signaling at me for my good job "tch as if I wanna treat you any diffrent nerd." Kimbo frowned angrily "you nerd!" I sigh deeply "I know you wouldn't do that Kimo..." there was a long and akward silent between us "I wouldn't have it any diffrent way.... Kimo"

Kio dragged me with him "what you did out there was extremly dangerous! What was you thinking!" He yelled with worry writen all over his face "I-I...." My Sensei suddenly appeared infront of us "Elistor come with me... we need to talk right now!" His voice too was filled with worry but also anger "What was that! Did you lose your mind!? Did you really think you could save us teachers alone?! You're lucky that the rest of the class was there!" He yelled before pulling me into a hug "I thought I would lose you... heave.... Don't do that again please!" A tear fell down my Sensei cheek, "I can't promise anything and you know that.... But I will try to be more carefull." The hug got tighter "thank you kid.... Don't tell anyone about this."  Laughing I pushed a bit away from the hug and rise my hand "I promise."

As I walked out a girl walked over to me "hi... Elistor." She looked nervous at me "oh uhm... hi..." this new meeting was so akward "uhm... my name is Leta... I go in your class... and I uhm was wondering if you maybe would uhm eat lunch tomorrow with me..." A sigh of relief ecscaped my lips "oh sure... and nice to meet you Leta... I hope we can be good friends...." She smiled sadly at me before turning to walk away "hey! Wait walk with me to our class.... And if not to much to ask our doorm.... I get lost easily... and asking for help isn't my strong suit... ehehe...."

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