Chap 4: pt.3 the notebook

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I looked down at my notebook and sighed, once more wishing that I had powers much like those around me, but knew well enough that it would never be me saving the day with my great powers.
But then again I might not even needed powers to be a hero, and maybe Sensei would undestand my problem if I explained it, I could be wrong. I sighed as I closed my notebook and walked out of my doorm, as I walked down the long hallway Jim came out of nowhere "oh so you loser is still here?" I noded and tried to walked around him "listen Jim I don't really wanna talk to you right now..." Jim looked at me as he wanted to tell me more but stopped, almost as if someone stood behind me "okay Mr. Elistor why are you up this late at night?"
It ran me cold down my shoulders "Sensei? I-I wanted to talk to you..." Sensei looked annoyed at me "*sigh* okay then talk" Jim smiled "yeah what you have to say, you can say to the both of us." I looked at Sensei "I meant private.." he sighed once more but signed for Jim to walk away "*tch* fine.." Jim walked away and into the doorm.

Our Sensei looked at me "Well what was so importen to tell me?" I took a big sigh of nervousity "I don't have any powers.... I never had and probely never will..." he smiled at me "listen Mr. Yagi there are sometimes where the powers develope later in someones life... you might be one of them." I smiled nervousily at him "what do you mean? The rest of my family already has theirs..." he sigh "okay listen I will help you finding out if there is any way that makes it possible that you might have other powers than thoose in your family has." I smiled short before huggin him, Sensei tensed a bit up but soon hugged back "I know how you feel... my powers also first came when I was teenager.." he let go shortly after and walked away.

"Mr. Yagi please follow suit!" He waved for me to follow, I sank together as he didn't look please to help me "yes Mr. Petersen.... I don't know.." Sensei looked at me with a stern look "listen Mr. Yagi I want to help you... *sigh* I don't want to give you a lecture... though I suppose that my stern look makes it hard for you to guess..." he suddenly smiled at me "Sensei! You can smile?!" This cost him to break out in laugher "of course I can how would else suppose I show when something is funny then?" This cost me to laugh while stracts my neck "sorry..." "it's fine... I know a place that might help you get your powers..."

I looked up only to be met with a horror sight for some, we were going into the gravejared "why are we here?" I froze "we are here for you to learn about your power, the last one with this problem was the hero grim and his family..." "oh"

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