Chap 3: pt1:New friends

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Leta followed me to the dorms "thanks for helping me today... I really needed that.." confused Leta laughed at me "why? Don't your family help you out? I mean your siblings...? But you're welcome... i guess." She smiled and dragged me over to the couch in the middle of the dorm Living room.
As we arrived at the couch the others in the class joined us "hey wanna see a movie?" They began picking out movies, it made me feel akward being around so many people, unsure I looked over at Leta "I...I uhm.... I think I go to bed... it had been a long day..." Leta turned with a concerned look in her eyes "are you sure?" I nodded not wanting her to be worried "yes I'm sure... it's been a long day and I'm tired.... After the villian attack..." Leta nooded "I undestand... See you tomorrow and sleep well good night." Out of no where she went up to me and embraced me in a warm hug "please if you need anything... or just want to be alone, just tell me... okay?" With a little grin I rubbed my head in her shoulder "thank you."
I waved good night to the rest of the class, and opened my door.

As I walked into my room I ran over to my bed and began to make my homeworks "I really like just being in here... making the homeworks alone..." my focus turned to my old notebook that was wet "urgh.... Why did Kimo do that? I mean we were childhood friends *Sigh*" my focus soon turned to my homeworks "great more hero quistion... and power quistion..." at this point I was tired of all the quistions that everyone asked, it was always about what my powers were, nothing had changed since my childhood.
I mean I like Leta and Kio they were quiet and undestood why I didn't like to talk about it, well mostly Leta but she was also my classmate. Leta was also very easy to talk to even though I had only known her for a day, and Kio was very kind and very welcoming toward me when we met today, it was nice to have someone to talk with when my siblings didn't want to be around me.
At this point I realised I had thought to much and didn't make my homeworks, I knew I had to make it tonight even if the time was 12 o'clock and school started at 8:30 tomorrow.

When I was done with my homeworks I fell asleep on them, mostly because I was tired and didn't have the strenght to go over to my bed, besides the homeworks were very comfy or comfy enough for me to sleep.

The next day a giant bright light woke me up however I didn't feel like waking up, it was way to early "Sam please turn your light off! Sam?!" No answer came from Sam "urgh!" I rise up and a sudden reminder kicked in "shit... school!"
Suddenly I had a very stressfull morning, I took my school uniform on then brused my teeth and ran down the hall, as I reached the class I suddenly heard my name being called to check if I was there, when I looked into the class I could se me? but how could that be? I was out here and the other me was in there? A sudden realisation hit me "a clone..." Leta waved at me from inside, I mouthed a thank you to her and ran in as soon as Sensei had turned his back to the class.

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