Chapter 3

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Mason POV

“Wow, back the fuck up.” Jax said, leaning toward me. “Sister?”

I nodded, gulping down the water, wishing it was something stronger.

“I didn’t know you have a sister.” Jax said, narrowing his eyes at me.

“I don’t.” I said angrily.

We may have the same blood running through our veins, but she is not my sister.

Jax turned his head to his left, looking at Chris. “Am I drunk right now? Are you hearing what I’m hearing?”

Chris rolled his eyes at him and leaned toward us.

“Explain, Mason.” Chris sighed.

“There is nothing to explain.” I sighed, picking on the label of the bottle in my hands.

God, I really needed something strong. I needed to get shitfaced and forget I saw her.

“Is this your way of sabotaging me in my challenge with Chris?” Jax asked, narrowing his eyes. “You are not getting into her pants before me, dude.”

The rage inside of me burned hotter than the fire. He was really pushing it.

I looked up at him, sending him a glare that would hopefully burry him six feet under.

“There is no challenge, Jax.” Chris sighed, shaking his head.

“I told you what I would do to you if you touched her.” I said coldly. “You know I don’t like to repeat myself, Jaxon. Stay away from her or you will have to deal with me.”

Jax raised his hands in the air like he was surrendering. “Shit, man, sorry. I will stay away.”

“Mason?” Chris called me, and I moved my glare from Jax to him. “Can you talk to us?”

I placed the bottle on the table, leaning back in my chair and running my hand through my hair. I really didn’t want to talk to them about her. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about her. I wanted to go back to pretending she didn’t exist.

Why the fuck did she have to come here?!

I realized I would have to tell them something. Enough to stop them from prodding, but not enough to talk to them about my pain.

“She is my twin.” I said, taking a deep breath. “She moved away with my mom when my parents got divorced.”

“Twin?” Jax said, shocked.

“You didn’t keep in touch?” Chris asked at the same time.

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. “No.”

“Why do you hate her this much, man?” Chris asked quietly. “Did she do something?”

It was more like what she didn’t do…

I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I hate her and I plan to pretend that she doesn’t exist.”

“I get it, man, I have a sister.” Jax nodded. “She is an annoying little devil, but I could never hate her. What did she do? Do you want revenge? Should we mess with her?”

“How fucking short is your memory, Jaxon?” I said, slamming my fist against the table. “What the fuck did I tell you would happen if you touched her?!”

“Jesus, Mase, calm down.” Jax said, wide-eyed. “I won’t touch her.”

“She doesn’t fucking exist.” I told them. “Is that clear?”

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