Chapter 59

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Derek Wilson POV

I get to see my doll today.

I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to see her again. I couldn’t wait to look into those blue eyes again. I couldn’t wait to hear her voice again. I couldn’t wait to touch her soft skin again.

It’s been too long since I last saw her.

After they removed the bullet from my shoulder, I was scared that she would die. I only pushed that needle into her neck because I thought that I would die. I thought that they would kill me. But they didn’t. And thinking that she would leave this world without me had me in so much pain that I could barely function. She can’t leave without me. I can’t live without her. We will die together. We will leave this world together, like we were supposed to.

I was pissed as fuck because she had to see me in this orange jumpsuit. I was pissed as fuck because my legs and my hands were cuffed. I was pissed as fuck because I could barely move. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to touch her. I needed to touch her.

The only thing that kept me going while the fuckers interrogated me was the memory of how her skin felt under my fingertips. She was soft and warm. I needed to feel that again. I needed to feel her again.

I could still feel the delicate skin on her neck under my fingertips, but the memory was slowly fading away and it was driving me crazy. I needed to feel her again. I needed a reminder. I needed something that would keep me going until I left this fucking place and went to get my doll. The only thing that she had to do was place her hand on the table. I could move my hands a little. I could reach out and touch her. It will have to be enough until I see her again. Just one small touch.

I wondered if her brother would be here as well. I didn’t want to see him. I hated the fucker. He got to see her and touch her every day. And she wasn’t even his. She was mine.

My doll.

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. I didn’t want to think about him. I wanted to think about her. I was going to see her. That’s all that mattered.

“How do I look?” I asked the officers standing behind me.

I turned my head to look at them. They were staring at me with disgust.

“Crazy as always.” one of them said coldly.

I turned back around and chuckled.

“You are just jealous.” I said. “That beautiful doll is mine. I know you would like to have her. Everybody would like to have her. But she is only mine.”

I knew they were jealous. Everybody was jealous of me. They wanted her, but they couldn’t have her.

She would only ever be mine.

I heard some movement in front of the door.

I sat up and tried to look my best. I had to work with what I was given. I didn’t want her to see me like this, but I didn’t have much choice. This would be the first and last time she saw me like this. From now on, I will only look my best for her. She deserved better than this. She was perfect, and I had to be perfect for her. Next time I see her, I will be wearing nice clothes. My hair will be perfect. I will be worthy of her.

The door opened and a huge smile spread across my face.

Unfortunately for me, it was only Joshua.

“Where is my doll?” I asked, trying to look behind him and into the hallway.

Joshua closed the door behind him and walked over to me. He placed his hands on the table and leaned closer.

“Listen to me, Wilson.” he said sternly. “You asked to see her and you will get to see her. But you will talk to me and me only. You will not talk to her. You will not refer to her as your doll. You will see her and you will tell us who put that dress in her room.”

They made such a big fuss over that dress. They made such a big fuss over who did it. They were afraid that I had a helper. They were afraid that there was someone else after my doll. As if I would let anyone touch what’s mine. As if I would share her with anyone.

“Do you understand me, Wilson?” Joshua asked me.

“I do.” I nodded.

Joshua studied my face for a second.

I looked away from him and into the mirror behind him. My hair was a mess. I wanted to fix it, but I couldn’t raise my hand high enough to reach it.

I wondered who was behind that mirror. I wondered who would be listening to us. I smiled at whoever was standing on the other side, and looked back at Joshua.

“Can I see her now?” I asked, getting more and more excited.

Joshua nodded and walked to the door. He opened them and motioned for her to come inside.

A few seconds later, I finally saw her.

“Emma!” I exclaimed happily. “Oh, I missed you so much!”

“Wilson.” Joshua scolded me. “What did I tell you?”

“I was just saying hello.” I sighed, irritated. “You can’t forbid me to say hello to her.”

I watched as Joshua closed the door and placed a hand on her shoulder.

I frowned. Why was he touching her? He can’t touch her!

“Stop touching her!” I said angrily, clenching my fists.

Joshua ignored me completely, making my anger rise rapidly.

They walked to the chairs opposite me. They sat down, and he finally moved his hand from her shoulder.

I relaxed a little, but I was still pissed as fuck.

“You can’t touch her without my permission, Joshua.” I said angrily. “She is mine. You can’t touch what’s mine!”

“Enough, Wilson.” Joshua said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Emma is here. We let you see her. Tell me who put the dress in her room.”

I looked at my doll, ignoring Joshua’s question.

“How are you, Emma?” I asked her softly. “I was so worried about you. I was so scared that you were going to die. I don’t want to live without you.”

Her eyes widened, and she glanced at Joshua.

“I know that you were worried about me as well, doll.” I continued. “But you don’t have to be worried anymore, okay? I will be out of here soon, and we will be together again.”

“Derek.” Joshua said sternly. “Stop talking to her. Who put the dress in her room?”

I ignored Joshua and looked down at her hands. She kept them in her lap. Why didn’t she put them on the table? I wanted to touch her. I wanted to hold her hand.

“I missed your eyes, Emma.” I told her. “I missed your skin. Can I hold your hand?”

Joshua slammed his hand on the table, making me look at him.

“Enough!” he yelled. “Tell me who put that dress in her room or I will take her away right the fuck now!”

I narrowed my eyes at him. He can’t take her away. I didn’t have enough time with her. I haven’t heard her voice yet. I haven’t touched her yet. I needed to touch her.

“Why do you keep obsessing over that?” I asked Joshua. “Do you really think that I have a helper? Do you really think I would share Emma with anyone? Do you really think that I would let anyone touch her? The person who put the dress in her room is completely irrelevant. She was just a jealous bitch who was useful to me.”

“She?” Joshua asked, his eyes widening. “Who is she, Derek?”

I ignored him and looked back at my perfect doll.

“Nobody can touch you, Emma.” I said softly, reaching out as far as I could, wanting her to give me her hand. “You are mine. I will be out of here soon, and I will come back for you. I promise. Nobody can have you. Not even your brother. You don’t belong to him. You belong to me.”

My doll grabbed Joshua’s arm and squeezed it hard.

I furrowed my eyebrows. She wanted to touch him, but not me. Why?

Joshua stood up immediately.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I watched my doll stand up as well. “Where are you going?”

Joshua put his hand on her shoulder and I snapped.

“STOP TOUCHING HER!” I screamed and started trashing.

I managed to lift myself off of the chair a little, but the chains pulled me back down.
The fuckers who were standing behind me, grabbed me and pinned me back down on the chair.

“EMMA!” I screamed, wanting her to come back.

I needed to touch her.

I watched as the door opened. I watched as she rushed outside. I saw her fucking brother picking her up in his arms. I watched as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck. I watched as she put her head on his shoulder. I watched as he wrapped his fucking arms around her and kissed the top of her head. I watched as he walked away with her in his arms. I watched until I couldn’t see her anymore.

I wanted to kill him. I wanted to burn this fucking building down.


The door slammed shut and I saw fucking red.

They took her away from me. He took her away from me.

I will kill them all.

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