Chapter 38

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Mason POV

Can you have hands inside your body that just decide to squeeze your organs until you pass out or die from the pain?

Because that is how it felt to watch Emma exit the bathroom wearing that fucking white dress.

Hands were squeezing my chest and my heart. There was no other explanation. It had to be that. I didn’t fucking know how it was possible, but it was happening.

I was having a hard time getting the air into my lungs. My chest felt way too small to fit my heart. Was my chest always this small? Did my heart always feel like it was going to be squeezed out of my body?

“I am burning this fucking dress as soon as this is over.” I mumbled angrily, clenching my fists.

It was a simple fucking white dress, with lace on the bottom. It was short-sleeved, and it reached her knees. Why did he have to like it? Why did it have to make him do this fucked-up shit?

Or was it the person wearing the dress? Who did she remind him of? Some fucking doll? Some other woman?

“Do you remember what you need to say to me?” Emma asked, putting her shoes on.

“Yes.” I mumbled.

We agreed that I would accuse her of “lying” to me, yell at her, and then storm off. I already didn’t want to do it. I had no fucking idea how I would make it happen.

If the fucker had been watching her the whole time, he'd know Emma and I didn't get along when she first arrived here. It wouldn’t be impossible for us to fight.

“Do you have a jacket?” Hazel asked.

“I do.” Emma nodded, as she placed the necklace around her neck.

I looked away from Emma. Looking at the dress and the necklace only made me more pissed off than I already was.

My eyes fell on Chris and Jax. They were staring through the window with their fists clenched and their eyes filled with concern.

I knew that they were both against Emma doing this. I knew that they both wanted to kick my ass for letting her do this.

But they weren’t the ones who would have to live with her resentment. They didn’t know what it was like to lose the person that meant everything to you. I wasn’t risking that shit again.

“Mason?” I heard Emma’s voice.

She was standing in front of me with a worried look on her face. I didn’t even see her walking up to me. I was completely lost in thought.

“Are you okay?” she asked softly.

I pulled her to me and took a deep breath.

No. I wasn’t okay, and I knew that I wouldn’t be okay until she was safe again. But I knew how scared she was, and I didn’t want her to worry about me too. She didn’t need that concern as well.

“I am okay.” I mumbled quietly. “Don’t worry about me.”

“I always worry about you.” she said as she wrapped her hands around my waist.

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

“We should get going.” Hazel said. “We are going to be late for class.”

Jax walked up to me and Emma. He eyed me nervously and glanced down at her.

“Can I hug her, Mason?” Jax asked quietly.

I tensed up. I didn’t really want him to, but Emma let me go and turned around.

“Of course, Jax.” she said.

He pulled her into a hug and closed his eyes.

“You will be okay, Em.” he said. “Get that motherfucker so that we can party on Friday. I still need to get you drunk. I can’t wait to see you wasted.”

Emma chuckled, but I wasn’t amused. Not a little bit. That wasn’t going to happen.

“Jax.” I said warningly.

He rolled his eyes and let Emma go. Before I could place my arms back around her, Chris was pulling her to himself.

He hugged her tightly and buried his nose into her hair.

“We will be close, okay?” he mumbled. “He won’t be able to hurt you.”

“Thank you, Chris.” she said, hugging him back.

The hug lasted way too long for my liking, so I stepped toward them and pulled her out of his arms. Chris gave me an annoyed look, which I decided to ignore. For now.

Hazel pulled Emma out of my arms and hugged her tightly.

I was really getting annoyed with everyone taking her away from me.

“You are going to be okay, Emma.” Hazel said. “You are so brave.”

“No, I’m not.” Emma mumbled. “I am scared.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately pulled her to me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

“That’s exactly what makes you brave.” Hazel smiled. “You are scared, and you are still doing it. You could have done the easy thing and walked away, but you didn’t. You are going to save a life, Emma.”

I kissed the top of her head. She was the bravest and the strongest person I knew.

“We need to go, guys.” Jax said, making my heart race.

I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t ready. How the fuck was I supposed to sit through English, History and fucking Math, knowing that I would have to send her to that fucker?!

“Mason, you need to stop looking like you are going to kill someone.” Jax sighed as we walked to the door. “We need to look normal. He can’t suspect anything.”

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room.

Jax was right, but it was fucking hard. I wasn’t a good actor, and it was hard for me to pretend that I didn’t want to kill every fucker who looked at her.

The time was going by too fucking fast.

I tried not to glare at everyone, but it was so fucking hard. Everyone looked suspicious to me. Even Mrs. Porter started looking like a male serial killer.

I was going fucking insane, and when I found myself standing in front of her locker, preparing for our fake fight, I had to dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from grabbing her and running the fuck out of the school.

I leaned on the lockers, trying to stop myself from shaking.

We decided to talk quietly for a few moments before I would start yelling.

That gave us an opportunity to say what we really wanted to say.

“I love you, Emma.” I whispered. “I will be close, okay? Nothing will happen to you. I will never let anything happen to you.”

I glanced around us. I had a feeling that everyone was watching, even though I could clearly see students and teachers walking by, minding their own business.

“I love you too, Massy.” she said quietly, closing her locker. “Everything will be okay. I will see you soon.”

The hands around my organs tightened, and I was sure that something was going to jump out through my fucking mouth.

“You need to start yelling.” Emma said quietly as she rearranged the books in her hands. “It’s time.”

My breath got caught in my throat, and the fear paralyzed me completely.

“Massy.” Emma said quietly glancing up at me. “I am going to be fine. I love you.”

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists tightly.

“I can’t believe you would do that, Emma!” I yelled. “Why would you fucking lie to me?!”

I could feel eyes on us. Everyone who was close by was watching.

“Mason, please let me explain.” Emma said.

“I don’t want to hear it!” I continued yelling. “I can’t believe you lied!”

I forced myself to turn around and walk away.

My heart was definitely going to leave my body.

“Where are you going?” Emma yelled after me.

“Dining hall.” I yelled back, not turning around. “I can’t be near you right now!”

I turned the corner, and I could feel my knees giving out.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to turn back around and take her in my arms, where she would be safe.

The lump in my throat made it hard for me to breathe. My vision was blurry, and I didn’t even know where the fuck I was going. My legs felt like they weighted a ton. Each step I took was more painful than the last.

I didn’t even see Jax walking up to me. I didn’t even feel him wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leaning my weight on him. I didn’t even notice him walking me toward the principal’s office.

“You did good.” Jax said. “She will be okay, Mason. She will be back with you soon.”

She will be okay.

She will be back with me soon.

I repeated those words in my mind, trying to pull myself out of this pain-induced haze.

She will be okay.

She will be back with me soon.

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