Chapter 44

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Emma POV

I was in so much pain.

My head felt like someone kept hitting it with a hammer.

My chest hurt like I’ve been kicked in it several times.

I couldn’t open my eyes. I was in complete darkness, and I was terrified.

Did he take me? Did he hurt me?

“We have a rhythm!” I heard someone shout. “She is back!”

Who is back? Is it Annie? Did I save her?

I tried to move, but my limbs were too heavy.

“Emma.” I heard someone calling me.

I didn’t recognize the voice.

“Emma.” I heard my name being called again. “Can you open your eyes for us, sweetie?”

Can I open my eyes?

I felt hands on my body, and it scared me even more.

Who was touching me? Was it him? Why was he touching me? Where is Mason?

I wanted Mason.

I felt someone removing something from my chest. There was a slight pull on my skin, like when you would remove a band-aid.

“Come on, Emma.” the voice said again. “Open your eyes, sweetie.”

I felt someone covering my chest and tugging a blanket around my waist.

“Call the lab.” the same voice said. “Tell them to hurry with the tox screen. We need to know what he gave her.”

I managed to peel my eyes open slightly. A bright white light made me groan, and I closed my eyes immediately.

“Emma.” the voice said. “I will turn the light off, okay? Open your eyes.”

I listened to the voice and opened my eyes again. The light wasn’t as bright as it was a few moments ago.

My eyes found a man in his thirties, wearing a white coat. He was standing next to me, looking at me with a small smile.

“Hello, Emma.” he said softly. “My name is Chase, and I am your doctor. You are in a hospital.”

Hospital? Why? Did he take me? Did he hurt me? How long had I been gone? What happened? Where is Mason? If I was in a hospital, he had to be here, right? I wanted to see him.

“Mason.” I managed to say his name.

My voice was quiet and raspy. The pain in my chest made it hard for me to speak.

“Do you want to see your brother?” doctor Chase asked me.

I nodded, closing my eyes again.

“Okay, sweetie.” he said softly.

I heard him walk away, and I opened my eyes again. I watched him as he opened the door. I could hear people shouting outside, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

I heard the voice I wanted, though.


He was here.

I almost cried in relief. I was so scared, and I wanted him.

I forced myself to keep my eyes open as I watched the door. It was open slightly, but the only thing I could see was the doctor’s white coat.

There were other people in the room with me, but I couldn’t focus on them. I felt them touch me. I felt them tug on my skin. I heard them walking around the room and talking quietly. I couldn’t focus on them, though.
They scared me.

I wanted my brother.

A few moments later, the door burst open, and I finally saw Mason.

He looked horrible. His eyes were red, his cheeks were puffy, and his hair was a complete mess.

“Emma!” he shouted as he ran toward me.

I forced myself to lift my arms, and I wrapped them around him as best as I could.

He grabbed my face in his hands and looked at me. Tears were falling down his cheeks and my heart broke for him.

“I was scared.” he sobbed. “I was so scared. Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.”

When did I leave him? How long had I been gone? Did Mr. Wilson really take me? I couldn’t remember anything.

The last thing I remember was Mr. Wilson holding a syringe and pointing it at my neck.

What happened after that?

Mason looked down and placed his hand above my heart.

“Are you in pain?” he asked me. “How are you feeling?”

“My head hurts.” I mumbled. “And my chest feels like someone kicked me pretty good.”

Mason looked at doctor Chase, panicked.

“That happens sometimes after the defibrillator.” the doctor said. “We will give her something for the pain, but she will be sore for a little while.”

Defibrillator? Why did they need to use that on me? Did my heart stop?

Mason nodded and looked back at me. He kissed my forehead and leaned his head on mine.

“I love you.” he said quietly.

“I am scared, Massy.” I mumbled, tightening my arms around him.

He raised his head abruptly and looked down at me, panicked.

“Why?” he asked immediately.

“What happened to me?” I mumbled as I felt tears in my eyes. “How long had I been gone?”

“You weren’t gone, Emmy.” Mason said, caressing my cheek gently. “He didn’t take you.”

My eyes widened. He didn’t?

I heard footsteps approaching, and I looked to my left. Doctor Chase was smiling down at me.

“How about I raise the head rest a little and I tell you what happened?” the doctor asked, and I nodded.

He reached under the bed, and I felt my upper body rising up.

It was just the three of us in the room. Everyone else left.

Mason was next to me in a second. He sat down on the bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He kissed my temple and leaned his head on mine.

“What is the last thing you remember, Emma?” the doctor asked me.

“He was holding me and pressing a syringe against my neck.” I mumbled quietly.

Mason tensed up, and his hold on me tightened.

“Unfortunately, he did inject you.” doctor Chase said. “It was a mixture of drugs that affected your heart. When you came in, your blood pressure and your heartbeat were increased. We managed to stabilize you, but you just went into V-Fib. Your heart malfunctioned, and it caused an abnormal heart rhythm. We had to use a defibrillator to stabilize your heart.”

Mason buried his nose into my hair and sobbed. My heart broke for him. I couldn’t even imagine the pain he went through. I don’t know what I would do if that happened to Mason.

I raised my hand and placed it on his head. I ran my fingers through his hair gently.

“Did I die?” I asked the doctor.

“No, Emma.” he said softly and gave me a small smile. “We managed to stabilize your heart rhythm before that happened.”

I nodded and smiled back at him.

“We will need to monitor your heart closely.” the doctor continued. “You will have to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.”

“I am staying with her.” Mason said immediately, raising his head.

“Of course, Mr. Richardson.” the doctor nodded. “I wasn’t going to suggest otherwise.”

Mason nodded and buried his nose back into my hair.

“I will give the two of you a little space.” the doctor said. “I will be back to check in on you later.”

I smiled at him and watched him leave the room.

Mason moved so we could hug properly. He pressed me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

The fear I felt was completely gone now that he was here.

“I was so scared, Emmy.” he mumbled. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

“I know.” I said, turning my head and kissing his temple. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.” he said. “I will never leave you again.”

I smiled and hugged him tighter.

I had so many questions about Mr. Wilson and Annie, but all of them could wait.

I just wanted to enjoy this moment right now. I just wanted to feel safe in my brother’s arms.

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