Chapter 5

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Mason POV

Why the fuck was Oliver fucking Rogers talking to my sister?!

She was late for lunch, and he wasn't here either, and I wanted to punch a wall.

I was staring at the table where Hazel was sitting alone, eating peacefully. Where the fuck is she?!

“I thought that we were pretending that she doesn’t exist.” Jax said as he picked up the food with his fork.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. “She doesn’t.”

“Is that why you have been starring at her table ever since we came in here?” Jax smirked at me.

“I’ve noticed that Oliver is gone too.” Chris said casually, like he wasn’t just adding fuel to a fire.

“Is that so?” Jax gasped mockingly. “I wonder if they are together.”

I clenched my fists. I saw red. I was going to punch the shit out of these two idiots.

“Probably.” Chris shrugged. “Did you see the way he was looking at her?”

I slammed my hand against the table, making people closest to our table look at me wide-eyed. Chris and Jax just raised an eyebrow at me.

I had enough. If that fucker thinks he can touch my sis…


I didn’t care. I shouldn’t fucking care.

“Well, every guy was looking at her.” Jax continued, looking from me to Chris. “She is fucking beautiful.”

It was like they wanted me to destroy the dining hall.

Chris glanced at me with a smirk on his face. “I think we should stop, Jax. The vein on his forehead is about to burst.”

Jax snorted. “Maybe he should just admit he cares about his fucking twin sister so that we can move on.”

“I don’t care.” I gritted through my teeth.

“So it doesn’t bother you that Oliver could be kissing her right now?” Jax taunted me. “His hands could be under her shirt right now. His dick could be…”

I snapped.

I leaned over the table, grabbed his collar, and got into his face. “Finish that sentence and I will strangle you with my own two hands.”

“Jesus, Mason, calm down.” Chris said, grabbing my arm. “Everyone is staring.”

I looked around, and everyone in the dining hall was staring at me. I let Jax go and sat back down.

I needed to control myself. I didn’t know what was happening to me.

“Yeah, you really don’t care, man.” Jax snorted, picking his fork back up. “You could have fooled me.”

“Shut the fuck up, Jax.” Chris groaned. “He needs to calm down and you are not helping.”

“He is stubborn.” Jax said angrily, glaring at Chris.

“He needs time.” Chris sighed and rolled his eyes at Jax.

Were the fuckers really talking about me like I wasn't here?

“He is here.” I said angrily. “And you are both wrong. I’m not stubborn, and I don’t need fucking time. I need her to leave.”

“That’s probably not going to happen.” Chris said. “Why don’t you just talk to her? I don’t know what she did, but give her a chance to explain.”

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