Chapter 40

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Unknown POV

Today was the happiest day of my life.

Seeing her in that beautiful dress again made me excited.

Watching him walk away from her made me the happiest man on Earth.

He just made a mistake he would never be able to repair.

He just left her for me.

But that was good, because she belonged with me, not with him.

Waiting to take her had become a torture. I couldn’t wait any longer. It became even worse when he was around her all the time. It became even worse when I constantly had to watch him hold her hand, touch her, or kiss her.

My own plan to break them apart had backfired, and I almost lost it then and there. I almost killed him and ruined everything I’ve worked for.

I was the one who was supposed to be that close to her. I was the one who was supposed to hold her, kiss her, and watch over her.

She was my doll, not his.

She was driving me fucking crazy. My hands were itching to touch her. I wanted to grab her and take her away.

I was getting impatient. I wanted to get rid of Annie as soon as possible. I didn’t need her anymore. Her dress was finished, and I had the perfect place to put her body.

My little doll's dress wasn’t ready yet, though. I needed more time, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

I wanted her. I needed her.

I was losing control, and that only made it more likely that I would be making mistakes.

I couldn’t make a mistake. I couldn’t lose my chance to have her again. I lost my doll once. I won’t be losing her again.

When I saw her in that dress, I couldn’t resist her. I couldn’t make myself keep my hands away from her any longer. She was mine, and she belonged with me. I had to have her.

I made my decision. I would take her today.

I needed to be careful, though. The police officers were everywhere.

Luckily, I had the syringe with me. I just needed to get her alone for a second. Just a small pinch in the neck, and she will be out like a light.

I already envisioned how I would pick her up in my arms. I already envisioned how her perfect head would rest on my shoulder. I already envisioned how she would look in the room I made for her.

The trap door in the basement wasn’t guarded. The fuckers didn’t even know it existed. Nobody thought to check the old building blueprints. It worked perfectly for me.

The trap door led to the underground bunker that was built as a shelter. There was another way out of there. There was a long passageway that led to the forest behind the school. When the building was renovated, the layout was changed, and the trap door, the underground bunker, and the passageway weren’t included in the new blueprints. I knew that knowing the history of the building would come in handy and I was right. I managed to get Annie out of the school using the trap door.

I will be doing the same with her.

I needed to be extra careful, though.

My need for her clouded my judgement. I was aware of it, but it was still hard for me to control myself.

I had to do this while my judgement still wasn’t affected much.

The police were everywhere, and taking her would be extremely tough.

The thought excited me.

It was a challenge, and I loved to be challenged.

Especially when they thought that they could keep her from me.

I watched her as she stood up from the table she was sitting at.

She was fucking perfect. The way she walked, the way she moved, the way her hair was touching her lower back, the way her eyes were looking around the room…

Everything was fucking perfect.

But she was nervous. Her body was tense. I could tell. I knew her like the back of my hand.

Why was my perfect little doll nervous?

I was desperate to know.

But my need for her was bigger.

I would have time to figure that out later. I would have time to relax her. She wouldn’t be nervous once she was back where she belonged.

Now, I needed to focus, and I needed to take her.

I looked around the library.

It was empty. Other than a few students and the two teachers I hated the most, no one was here.

I followed her through the aisle. She was looking for a book. At the end of the aisle, she turned right. I walked behind her slowly.

I was watching her through the shelves. She stopped and grabbed a book from the shelf.

I took a moment to admire her perfection.
She really was everything I was always looking for.

I started walking slowly. I looked around in case someone else was here, but I didn’t see anyone.

It was just me and her.

I was approaching her slowly. I wasn’t nervous. She knew me. She would engage in a conversation with me. I would be able to get close enough to inject the drug.

She will finally be mine.

Only mine.

In life and in death.

“Hello, Emma.” I said as I approached her.

She looked up, and her eyes widened slightly. Her grip on the book tightened, and she took a small step back.

“Hello, Sir.” she said and smiled politely.

I couldn’t wait to have her. I couldn’t wait to touch her.

My eyes roamed up and down her body. The dress she was wearing was amazing. It made me shiver. It wasn’t perfect, though. I was making the perfect white dress for my perfect little doll.

“What are you reading, Emma?” I asked her, placing my hands into my pockets, feeling the syringe.

I loved how her name sounded coming from me.

Melissa, Daisy, and Annie sounded wrong.

Emma was perfect.

A perfect name for a perfect little doll.

“Jane Eyre.” she said, closing the book. “It’s for my English essay.”

My hands started to shake. I needed to feel her.

Just a few more steps, and I could inject her.

She would finally be mine.

“Do you like the book?” I asked, taking a step toward her.

I could smell her now. It was perfect, just like the rest of her. I couldn’t wait to bury my nose in her hair, just like I saw him do a million times.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and I could see that she was nervous.

I wrapped my fingers around the syringe, and I was ready to pull it out.

I just needed to take another step toward her.

“I do.” she said quietly as she reached for the necklace she was wearing.

I narrowed my eyes. It was new. She never wore it before. Who gave it to her?

I took another step forward just as I heard footsteps approaching us.

My eyes widened.

I needed to act quickly.

“My perfect little doll.” I whispered as I pulled the syringe out of my pocket.

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