Chapter 24

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Mason POV

The constant buzzing of my phone woke me up.

What the fuck? Who the hell is being this fucking annoying early in the morning?

I turned around and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I peeled my eyes open and looked at the screen. The white light made me groan and close my eyes.

I opened them again, blinking a few times so I would get used to the sudden brightness.

I checked the time. It was 7 am. Who the fuck is awake at 7 am on a Saturday fucking morning?

I unlocked my phone and saw that the buzzing was coming from the senior’s group chat. If it was about school or homework, I would beat the shit out of someone.

I scrolled through the chat, frowning at all the curses I saw. What the hell was going on? I scrolled faster until I reached the first message. It was sent 15 minutes ago.

I read through it and my blood ran cold. I was fully awake in less than a second.

Daisy was found, tied to a tree in a white dress.

Oh fuck.

There was a note attached to the body, and it was addressed to the person he was really after.

Someone even had a picture of the note. How the fuck did they get that?!

I sat up in bed, reaching for Emma, and making sure that she was right next to me. She was sleeping peacefully. I gripped her arm tightly.

I scrolled through the messages, trying to find the picture, when my phone rang.

It was Jax.

I answered and heard his voice immediately. “Did you see?”

“I did.” I said quietly, trying not to wake Emma and Hazel up.

“Did you read the note?” Jax asked, his voice shaking.

“No.” I said. “I was trying to find the picture when you called. How the fuck did they get it?”

“Didn’t you read the messages?” Jax sighed.

“Not all of them.” I said, shaking my head, even though he couldn't see me.

“Well, apparently there was a party last night.” Jax started explaining. “The college boys were caught before they got to the island, but that didn’t stop a bunch of our classmates from sneaking off into the woods. Monica’s little devils were walking back to the school when they found the body. One of them took a picture of the note.”

“Holy fuck.” I mumbled.

“The note is disturbing, man.” Jax sighed.

“Does it say anything about who his target is?” I asked, glancing down at my sister.

“No.” Jax said. “But I wouldn’t want to be his target, man. The guy is seriously fucking disturbed.”

“Get ready and come to Emma’s room.” I said, wanting to end the conversation so that I could read the note. “Get Chris too.”

“Fine.” Jax said, and I heard the water running in the background. “We will be there in twenty minutes.”

I hung up and went back to scrolling through the chat.

I found the picture of the note.

I opened it and saw a note written on a computer. It was pinned onto a white fabric. I assumed it was the dress that Daisy was found in.

I gulped and started reading it.

Soon, doll. Soon you will be mine. Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Daisy was great to practice on, but she is not perfect. You are perfect. I can’t wait to have you again. You were always mine, my little doll. You have always belonged to me. You are protected well, I can see that, but nothing will stop me from taking you back where you belong. Don’t worry, my doll, it won’t be long until you are back in my arms. Dolls always come back to their owners, just like you will come back to me.

My stomach twisted and I felt bile rising.

What the fuck?! This man is seriously fucking disturbed. They better catch him fast.

I locked my phone and looked down at Emma. Just the thought of her being a potential target made my blood boil. I will glue her to myself. I don’t fucking care. Nobody will touch her.

“Emma.” I said softly, caressing her cheek. “Wake up.”

She grunted and turned her head away from me. I ran my hand through her hair.

“Come on, Emmy.” I tried again. “Jax and Chris will be here soon.”

I heard noise from the other side of the room and saw Hazel sitting up in her bed. Her eyes were still closed as she yawned and stretched her arms above her head.

“Good morning.” I said.

“Morning.” Hazel mumbled and opened her eyes.

She reached for her phone on the nightstand and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the screen.

“Why are there so many messages in the group chat?” she asked, looking back up at me.

“Read it.” I said, looking back down at Emma.

She was still sleeping peacefully.

“Emmy, come on.” I said a little bit louder. “You need to wake up.”

“Five minutes.” she mumbled, pulling the covers over her head.

“No…” I started speaking, but I was interrupted by Hazel.

“Holy shit!” she yelled loudly, staring at her phone wide-eyed.

Emma sat up immediately. “What happened?!”

Hazel looked up at her, but she stayed silent. She was too stunned to speak.

I grabbed my phone, unlocked it, and gave it to Emma to read through the messages. She took my phone and looked at it, confused.

“Read.” I said softly, as I started rubbing her back.

I watched as she read the messages. She went from confused to horrified in a second. I watched as she opened the picture of the note and froze immediately. The further she read, the more fear I could see in her eyes.

“Oh, my God.” she mumbled when she finished reading.

I pulled her closer to me and took the phone out of her hand. She looked up at me, frightened.

“You have nothing to be afraid of, Emma.” I said, pulling her into my arms. “Nothing will happen to you while I am here.”

I looked up at Hazel. She was staring at her phone.

“You too, Hazel.” I continued. “You are safe. We would never let anything happen to you.”

Hazel looked up at me. “I know. Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” I said as I kissed the top of Emma’s head.

Hazel’s phone rang, and she looked back down at it.

“My mom is calling me.” she mumbled. “Great. She probably heard and she is freaking out.”

Hazel stood up and walked to the bathroom. She answered the phone and closed the bathroom door.

“Does our mom know about what’s been going on?” I asked Emma.

I knew that my mom and Emma didn’t talk much. Emma said that mom wouldn’t answer her phone, but mom had to call Emma from time to time. She had to call and check up on her. Emma must have told her what has been going on.

Although I’ve been with Emma all the time for the last few days, and I’ve never heard her talk to mom. If I did, I would grab the phone and talk to her myself. I still wanted to hear her explanation.

“No.” Emma said so quietly that I almost didn’t hear her.

“What?” I asked, getting confused and angry. “Didn’t you tell her when you talked?”

Emma pulled out of the hug and looked up at me. I saw worry and fear on her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Emma opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Mason.” I heard Jax’s voice.

“I’ll be right there.” I said loud enough for him to hear me.

I removed the covers and got out of bed.

“We will talk about this later.” I told Emma as I unlocked the bedroom door.

Jax and Chris stepped inside and looked around the room.

“Where is Elly?” Jax asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

He was so fucking obvious.

“Bathroom.” I said as I closed the door behind them.

“Okay.” Jax said as he sat down at Hazel’s desk.

Chris leaned against the wall, smiling softly at Emma. She smiled back at him.

No. Fuck no.

I sat down next to Emma and glared at Chris. His eyes found mine and his smile disappeared.

The bathroom door opened, and Hazel stepped outside.

“Morning, guys.” she said softly and walked over to her closet.

“Morning, Elly.” Jax said, smiling at her.

“Did Mason tell you what happened?” Chris asked the girls.

“We saw the messages.” Hazel sighed sadly.

Chris nodded and glanced at Emma worriedly.

“Go get ready, Emmy.” I said, kissing her temple as I glared at Chris. “Cassie will be here soon.”

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