Chapter 23

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Emma POV

“You will never believe the things I found out.” Chris said as he sat down at the table.

It was Friday, and we were eating lunch. I was more than ready for the week to end. This one was beyond exhausting. From talking to Mason, dealing with everything we found out about our parents, to constantly being reminded that there is a killer on the loose, the only thing I wanted to do was hide under my blanket and read a book. Or watch a movie. Or sleep.

“Spit it out.” Jax said as he took a sip of his water.

“First, there is going to be a party tonight.” Chris said quietly. “Apparently, some college kids are organizing something in the middle of the forest.”

“Are they insane?” Hazel sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Haven’t they watched a horror movie before?” I said at the same time. “There is a scene just like that in every horror movie I’ve watched.”

My friends laughed. Chris smiled and placed an arm behind my back, over the chair I was sitting on. The temperature in my body rose and my heartbeat picked up. Shit.

“Where is the party?” Mason asked, grabbing the last piece of pizza from his plate.

He didn’t see Chris’ arm, and I think it’s a good thing. He would probably freak out. He’s been glaring at Chris a lot for the past few days.

“We will get a text when they decide on a location.” Chris said quietly.

“How the hell are they coming to the island?” Jax asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “The cops are checking everyone that boards the ferryboat, and they are only letting teachers, students, and announced visitors. I had to inform the principal that Cassie would come this weekend.”

“I’m not sure.” Chris shrugged. “They probably have their own boats.”

“They are going to get caught.” Mason snorted. “There won’t be a party.”

“But you are not going, right?” Hazel asked worriedly, glancing at Jax. “Even if they don’t get caught and the party does happen, you won’t go?”

No matter how much they fought, I could tell that they liked each other. I didn’t get a chance to talk to Hazel alone about it. Mason was always around, and I knew that Hazel would never say anything in front of Mason. Maybe she wouldn’t say anything to me even if we were alone. We connected and bonded immediately, but we didn’t really know each other that well yet.

“Of course not.” Mason said. “I’m not leaving Emma and I’m definitely not bringing her to a fucking forest while that freak is out there.”

I was relieved. That guy may have it out for the girls, but he could hurt anyone if they tried to interfere. He could hurt Mason. I can't let him hurt Mason.

“Don’t worry, Elly.” Jax said, placing an arm over Hazel’s shoulders. “I’m not going to leave you.”

Hazel rolled her eyes and moved his arm, but I could see that she was relieved as well.

“Was there anything else you found out?” Mason asked, looking up at Chris.

Mason’s eyes snapped over to Chris’ arm behind my back. He narrowed his eyes, and Chris moved his arm immediately.

Chris cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. The sight made funny things happen inside my belly. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to focus on something else rather than Chris’ messy hair that fit him so well.


Chris leaned forward and looked around. I followed his gaze to the cops standing near the door.

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