chaper 1

773 44 15

I open my eyes. A day like every other day... I look at my phone. 8 A.M. What 8 A.M? Urghh I have to stand up. I promised Dad to help him today...Why did I say that?

Firts of all I need a coffee. Still tired I stand up, take a black leggings and my favurite Hoody. Actually it's too big for me but I love it oversised.

As I enter the kitchen, Steve already sits at the table. "Good morning sunshine", he smiles at me. I only mutter as an answer. "I need coffee", I say. I have to look like a zombie but I don't really care. Steve laughs and points on the table: "I already made one for you. Come sit down." "Gosh Steve you're a life saver. Thank you!" I sit down on the chair towards him and take the cup.

It's still warm. I feel the warmth trough my fingertips. How it floods in my body and how it turns into goose bumps on my skin.

Just one sip of coffe and I feel like a whole new person. I have to smile agianst the cup and close my eyes for a few seconds. "So how did you sleep?", I open my eyes again and look down on the table. "Good I guess...Maybe a bit short but good. How about you?" , "I'm very happy to hear this...I also slept well, thank you".

I smile at him and take another sip of my coffee. "I think I have to go now otherwise Dad's gonna kill me because I'm too late...again." I stand up and only hear Steve laughing as I walk out of the kitchen.

10 minutes later I enter the lab. My dad and Bruce are already there and don't even notice me, as I came in. "So what's the task today?". They both look at me. It seems like they've already been deep in their work...But what did I expect? I talk about Bruce and Dad they do nothing else then working.

"We have to work on the security system", "Ay sir!", I answer to my dad and go to my computer. At least it's not that boring...So let's start the work.

After an half hour I hear Bruce say: "We should check this out. There is something wrong." He points on his Computer. "Give me a second", I said as I walk to the computer to check what could be wrong. In this moment I hear noises  that distarct me. They are not typical for this area.

Normally the only noises you hear is the noise of the many compressors of the equipment. Or the the clacking of the keyboard while my or Dads of Bruce's fingers flew over it.

Maybe maybe I hear one or two people walk past the lap sometimes.
But this? This is different...I feel the vibration of the ground and hear some constant clacking. It sounds like buckles of an uniform or something.

So I raise my head to see where this noises come from. I don't know why but they make me nervous and I rally don't like it.

A tall dark haired man walks by the lab. He is surunded by at least six guard. He wears a green suit. It must be lether or something. Every other guy must have looked stupid int this outfit...But for some reason it looks good on him. Suddendly our eyes cross and I look into clear blue eyes.

His look is so intense that I have the feeling that he looks straight into my soul. And I am not able to look away. It was like I was captured by his eyes. Like he draws me into a spell of fascination I don't even understand.

For a moment I stopped breathing and then he smiles at me. It's like everything around us just moves in slow motion but  my heart starts racing. And in this moment...he was gone.

Wow what was that? Still breathless I look on the spot he were till a few seconds ago. It was too short. This moment was too short. I hadn't even enough time identify this unusual feeling inside of me...

And just as I stared to enjoy this feeling he was gone. He was just gone.
For a short moment I think that I maybe just imagined this all.
No it felt too real to be fake.

„Who- who was this?", I ask while I try to control my breath again. "His name is Loki. He is the new prisoner", my Dad answeres. So definitely didn't imagine it.

"Loki?" I hear myself asking. This time it's Bruce who's answering me: "Yes. He killded 80 people in 2 days". I swallow. "He's reall dangerous. Stay away from him sweetheart", Tony said. But I didn't really listen. "o okay..."

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