Chapter 6

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I lay on the couch in the living room, reading. I just finished my book. As I close it, I feel the hunger coming up.
Why am I already hungry? For how long was I reading?

I take a look on my phone.
For 2 Hours? It feels like I started a few minutes ago...
That's so typical for me. The time always flies by when I'm reading.

I guess I make me a Pizza. I bet Dad and the others won't be here for dinner... and I can't wait.
I'm hungry now.

So walk into the kitchen and put the Pizza in the heater.
I mean I could offer one but it would take too long. I'm way too impatient for that.

I'm also too impatient for the pizza in the heater. So I stand in front of it, like a little child waiting for my Pizza to get ready.
I literally stare at the Pizza with the hope it goes faster then. Wanda also has powers...So who says that my look can't get the pizza ready faster.
But unfortunately I'm a normal girl with no special superpowers and I have to wait 20 minutes for my Pizza.

As I hear the noice of the timer I begin to dance my happy food dance. I just love food way too much. Dad always says my dance is weird but I know he does the same sometimes, when he thinks nobody is watching him.

With a smile on my face I leave the kitchen together with my pizza and return to the living room.

I guess I have time to do my movie marathon as well.
So I find my way to Netflix and chose one of my favourite movies, while I'm eating my pizza.

After that I decided to go back to my room and dance a bit. What is better than turning the volume as loud as possible and dance, when nobody's home?
Right nothing!

So I put on my favourite song and close my eyes. I concentrate only on the melody  of the song. Then I let go all thoughts about Loki and everything else.

I start to feel how the music starts to surround me completely and my body begins to move to the beat. First there are only some slow movings but then I start to jump around and I feel how the beat vibrates in every cell of my body. A soft smile lays down on my lips.
And in this moment I feel it...freedom.

I'm so absorbed by the music that I didn't even heard the knocking.
So I get a fright as Vison enters my room through the wall and suddenly stands in front of me.

I gasp. „Damn Vison you scared me!". „I knocked but you didn't answer", he replies with this monotone voice he always speaks with.

I turn the volume down.
„Sorry the music was too loud I couldn't hear you", I answer.
He looks at me with his analytic eyes.
„You were dancing right?", he asks.

I get a bit nervous. „Yes", because I thought I was alone...I think to myself.
As he could read minds what I can't. I know that. I tested it as I was younger....
He says: „I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you."

I smile at him. „No you didn't", and I half mean that. „Why are you here?". „Tony wants to speak with you."

So that must mean they are back from their mission. I shrug my shoulders.
„Okay I'll speak with him after dinner."

I turn around because I thought the conversation was over but I hear his voice in my back again: „No. He said right now." I crimp my eyebrows in confusion. „Why?", I ask.
„He only told me that it's very important." „Okay?".
I turn back around but Vision was already gone.

Fine. I guess I have to search Dad now...
That's no problem the Tower only has above 60  floors...
I let out a frustrated breath before I leave my room.
What does he want from me that is so important?

Probably it's nothing and he makes a drama out of something unnecessary like he does often.
Dad can be such a Dramaqueen sometimes.

After a bit of searching I find him in his office.
He's looking on a screen, as I enter the room.
„Hey Dad".
„Is this you?", he says directly and points on the screen.

Wow not even a hello? That's just- I freeze as I take a look on the screen. Is this? This can't be what I think...I come closer and recognise myself...with his cell...

I swallow. That's not good. That's not good at all... „shit"
„What did you do with him?", he asks me. His voice is calm. And I don't like it. I like it better when he shows his anger. When he screams at me...because this calmness is much worse than that.

This calmness is making me very nervous so I start to fumble around with my T-Shirt.
„Nothing..." I try to think of a believable explanation. „I just went for a walk", I hear myself say. Really y/n? For a walk? Again? Gosh why am I talking such a bullshit again?

„What?", responses my dad in confusion.
„I just went for a walk?" I repeat my last answer.

„And then you happened to pass his cell?" he doesn't believe me...How could he I wouldn't neither. So I decide to be honest with him.

„I was just curious.", I try to defend myself.
„I told you to stay away from him." I stay silent.
„He is DANGEROUS!", he yells at me.
And I'm a bit relieved. Finally he shows his anger. That's what I can deal with.

„I know...", I whisper and look at the ground.
I can't see his face but I hear a sigh.
„God y/n he murdered people..." he sounds nearly desperate.

I raise my head again. „Sorry", is the only word that comes over my lips. And if I really mean that, I can't say at this moment.

Dad sighs again while he's closing his eyes and rubs with his hand over his forehead. Now I feel 100% guilty. I don't want him to feel sad or upset just because of me...

„I'll stay away from him" I say hoping that this will calm him down again.
„Good", he says as he open his eyes again.
„And if you don't...", he looks me straight in my eyes. „I will see it", he continues and shows me the video of Loki and my again.

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Hey guys I'm sorry that it took me so long but school just started and I got sick last week I to post more regularly! But unfortunately I can't promise. I give my best

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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