Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and begin to smile. Sunday! I have nothing to do today. So much free time...Ohh I could make a movie marathon! Or read a book? I didn't have time to read lately... I miss it.

I just love to read and get lost in a new world with whole new characters. But the thing I love most about reading is that everything is possible. There's nothing what could stop my imagination... yeah I think I'll read today. I need to escape from this reality. Even if it's just for a few hours.

After I got ready I go to the kitchen. „Hello?" no answer. As it seems I'm alone...I make myself a Coffee and sit down at the table, as I notice a note on it. I take it and start to read:

Hey Sweetheart we got an important mission for the whole team this morning. So don't worry we will be back for dinner.
Make yourself a nice day. You deserve it!
Xoxo Dad

Xoxo? Gosh Dad is so awkward when he tries to be cool. I shake my head and take a sip of my coffee. I'm alone...for the whole day... So I could read everywhere I want...I tip at my cup and try to decide where I want to go.

Suddenly this clear blue eyes show up in my mind. Right...I'm not alone. He is also here...and no one is here to stop me from talking to him...

I jump up from my chair:
That's way better! I visit our new guest. I mean it would be not nice to leave him alone all the time...and I could find out more about this mysterious man.

So I find myself on my way to the arrest area. Actually it's kinda weird that I'm living in a house or better a tower which has an arrest area. But I'm a Stark. That's normal for me. I stopped questioning  such stuff a long time ago.

Am I sure this is a good idea? No not really. BUT I'm way too curious to turn back around. So I take a deep breath and enter the arrest area.

As soon as I entered the area the tall shape turns around to me and looks me straight in my eyes. „What a surprise to see you again", he says with a smile on his lips. I raise my shoulders. "I live here". He raises an eyebrow and looks at me in surprise. „You live here?". Why does he repeats what I'm saying? Yesterday he did the same.... „That's what I said".

He takes a step backward and answers: „very interesting". He has this look in his eyes which I absolutely don't know what it means. And to be honest it makes me a bit insecure. „What is your name?". His voice brings me back to reality. I grin. „You really want to know that huh?". Loki smiles at me. „Of course, Darling". He calls me darling? That's weird...or? Stop! What am I thinking about?

I look back at him. „Why?" I ask him because I really want to know it. The expression in his eyes changes and he approaches me. „I want to know the name of my next victim", he says. Does he want to scare me? He really wants to scare me... I snort and look him straight in his clear blue eyes. „You don't scare me". „But I should", is his answer. „I'm gonna be your nightmare"

Oh okay that's too much for me. I should've spent my time with reading... „Nice try Loki". I turn around and want to leave. „Don't you dare to leave, while I'm speaking with you!" I stop. Wow is he serious? What does he think who he is? „I'm a god!" I turn back around. „Sorry Loki it's getting boring", are my last words before I turn around again and walk out the arrest area.

Okay what was that? I guess he has some anger issues...I should go and read a book to distract me from this. He's kinda weird.

After an hour of reading I close the book again. I really tried to understand the words on the pages but I can't get that one sentence of Loki out of my mind... „I'm a god". What does that mean? He is a god? Is he saying the truth? Or is he out of his mind? Is this the reason he killed all those people?

I want to know more! But I think it's no good idea to go back to him at the moment. There must be another way. Wait... there has to be a file of him. Dad has a file of every prisoner.

In Dads office I start to search for the files. Where would put Dad the files?
Maybe...I open a drawer. Jackpot!
I know him better than I thought.

Proud of myself I search for Lokis file. It takes a while.
Wow I didn't know we already had so much prisoners in here...

I was about to give up my search as I find his file in the back. It seem like it was hide.
But why? What did Loki do, that Dad tried to hide his file?

I take it out, lay it on the desk and open it.
Loki Laufeyson, god of mischief...So he said the truth. He is a god... I continue reading. He's the prince of Asgard...Wait. Does that mean he is...? The brother of Thor? That's impossible...But it's written down on this paper so it must be true.

And he is responsible for- I raise my head. This is why I thought I knew this name. He is Loki...The Loki who is responsible for New York...
I swallow. Okay maybe he's a bit dangerous. But I have the feeling there is more...I saw it as I looked into his eyes. And I want to know what it is.

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