First sight

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The scene opens up in the middle of the forest, where we can see a young boy with bruises and cuts on his body. He was holding a wooden sword and was facing a man whose appearance was covered by shadow.

Man: Again!

Y/N: But master, we spend so much time here I need to rest.

Man: You want to go to Beacon, don't you?

Y/N: Yes, but-

Man: No! Buts! We have only four days before the initiation ceremony will start! And you don't know even what is your semblance!

Y/N: But master-

Y/N was kicked to the ground and then his master put his foot on his head.

Man: The weak die, the strong lives. If you don't know how to use your semblance then show me that at least you can fight. A month ago you did well when we were escorting the dust convoy, you fight well against the White Fang. Where is that fighting spirit?

Then the man took off his foot and let him stand up.

Man: I give a promise to your father that you will become a huntsman and I'm going to fulfill his dying wish.

Y/N: What then?

Man: Then life is yours to do anything you want.

Y/N: So all of this?! Five whole years of training is just for your honor?!

Man: Yes... I did so many bad decisions and so many things I lost, now I only have my honor.

Then the man attacks Y/N again.

Time skip

It was now night and the man put unconscious Y/N on the ground in the tent and started a fire. When he was looking into the fire his hands started to shake.

Man: I have to be hard on you boy, for you to hate me and stay away from me, even though I don't bring misfortune like my friend but still, everything in my life is just torture and I hope you won't find out any of this.

Time skip

One day left before the initiation ceremony in Beacon will begin and now Y/N was walking around the streets of Vale. But then he saw across the street a short girl with pink and brown hair, and she smiled at him.

Y/N blushed and tried to hide it. The Neo saw that and then she looked around like she was looking for someone. Then she looked at the random Dust shop. And she comes to the boy. Y/N becomes really nervous.

Y/N: Oh... H-Hi! Can I help you?

The short girl only nodes and then she pulled out her scroll and showed him a message.

"I'm sorry but I'm lost, could you help me find this place?"

She showed him some pictures of some shops. And unknown to the boy behind him was Roman Torchwick with the cartoonishly big bag of dust over his shoulder and behind him were his henchmen. Roman looked at Neo confused but then Neo smirked at Roman and signaled him this is only a diversion. Roman nodes and silly sneak away.

Y/N: This should be a few blocks south you can't miss it.

Neo smiles and nods.

Y/N: If you need more help I can accompany you.

Neo immediately started shaking her head and hands to say "No".

Y/N: Oh, of course then have a good day.

Y/N and Neo then went separate ways and Neo returned to the warehouse.

Roman: Neo, what was that about? You were supposed to cepe the lookout. And not flirting with some random boys.

Neo blushed a little and looked a little offended.

Roman: Look, I'm sorry about this, but it was just a boy. I could have taken him down if he would cause some trouble. The cops are the bigger trouble or even huntsman If they appeared.

Then he gave her some Lien.

Roman: Here, go buy yourself that ice cream you love.

Neo had stars in her eyes and take the money. When she left Roman just chuckled.

After an hour Y/n walked around an ice cream stand and in front of it was Neo he wanted to say hey but then he reared the stand owner.

stand owner: Are you deaf on top of that you are mute or what?! I told you you don't have enough, unfortunately, we were forced to higher the prices!

Neo looked sad but then Y/N come to her.

Y/N: Excuse me but why are you so rude to her? She just wants ice cream.

stand owner: If she doesn't have enough she can't enjoy it!

Then Y/N slams Liens on the table.

Y/N: Make me two ice creams.

Stand owner only sight.

Stand owner: Which one?

Neo looked astonished that he was willing to buy her the ice cream and she pointed at the Neapolitan ice cream.

Y/N: Then it will be two Neapolitan ice creams, please.

Stand owner: Whatever...

Then they got their ice creams and they sit on a nearby bench and just talked.

Y/N: So you are a mute, huh?

Neo nods.

Y/N: What is your name anyway? I forgot to ask you.

She then showed him a message.

"Neopolitan, but Neo for short."

Y/N: Neo, what's a really cute name.

Neo blushes slightly by this compliment.

Y/N: My name is Y/N.

Then they talked for a long time but soon was their time to part ways again, so they stayed the good days and even exchanged their scroll numbers. After that, they go to where they live and went to sleep.

Time skip

Y/N was sitting in the bullhead and was looking at everyone present. Not many outstanding people except a blond girl who was crushing a girl with black hair with red tips and then the blond boy who looked nervous and started turning slightly green.

Y/N: Interesting...

Then the blond boy runs past him. The girls then looked at him.

Ruby: Oh, gross, you have puke on your shoe!

Y/N: What?!

He looked at the shoes.

Y/N: They were fully new... combat boots... SON OF A BI-


Hope you like it

If you still have suggestions for your semblance or weapon I'm still taking suggestions.

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