The more the merrier

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In the Branwen Tribe, Vernal entered Raven's and Garito's tent.

Vernal: Raven, Garito-?

But then she stopped in her tracks and turned around, her face fully red, because she saw them in the bad together covered only by a blanket and Raven was on top of Garito.

Raven: Yes?

Vernal shocked her head and tried to sound calm.

Vernal: We have a problem.

Garito: What is it?

Vernal: Salem found us.

Both Garito and Raven were shocked.

Garito: Shit.

Vernal: Five of her followers want to speak with you, Raven.

Raven: Right, we planned for this. But I hate that must be at a time like this. Inform them that we will be out at the moment.

Vernal nodded and went out of the tent.

When she was out Raven let out a frustrated sigh.

Raven: Of all the moments they must have chosen this one to barge in.

Garito: Let's not keep them waiting, the sooner we are done with them the sooner we will get to our fun time again.

He gives her a quick kiss on the lips and they both get out of the bad. When they were done putting on theire clothes Garito gave Raven her helmet and then he put on his fox mask.

Raven: Ready?

Garito only nodded and they both left the tent to face Salem's pawns Arthur Watts, Mercury, Cinder, Emerald, and Arlecchino.

Raven: I don't recall inviting so many quests into our home. Either I'm losing my memory or all of you lost your spines!

Cinder: Don't be too upset with them, Raven. Your men simply recognized the power of the Maiden when they see it. Which is why we'd like a word with you.

Raven looks at other bandits.

Raven: Leve us, pack your things,  then break down camp, we are moving.

Without any other words, the bandits started doing what they were told.

Arthur: A little late to run and hide, you've been on our master's list for some time so you must understand we can not allow you to slip away.

Raven: I know all about your master. But I don't believe we've met.

Mercury: We are the guys you should be afraid of.

Garito: I doubt that. Your performance was pitiful at best in the tournament, Mercury Black. My daughter could kick your ass and break your leg so easily.

Mercury shoots him a glace.

Mercury: Oh yeah? That that to-!

Cinder: Be quiet!

Raven: That's what I thought.

Cinder: I'm Cinder Fall, this is my associate Arthur Watts. And my disciples, Emerald and Mercury, and my master's creation Arlecchino Falcon.

Raven: Two children you trick into following you. A decreased, Atlassian scientist. And a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate she probably picked herself. Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania. And a quiet but deadly type of "person", well I should say person more like a human Grimm hybrid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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