First day

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Team Y/NKRD woke up, changed their uniforms, and saw that Revy was still sleeping.

Dante: Should we wake her up?

Y/N: Don't look at me, she already tried to kill me.

Kuki sighed in frustration.

Kuki: Alright leave this to me.

Kuki comes to Revy's bed.

Kuki: Revy, it's time to wake up. We have classes to attend.

Revy: Few... more minutes...

Kuki: Revy, we only have ten minutes until the classes start.

Revy: Woke me up when it will be five minutes...

Kuki sighed, again.

Kuki: She won't budge, any ideas?

Y/N: Yes I have one but first you need to prepare to run.

Dante: Why?

Y/N come to Revy grabbed her by the shoulders and violently started shaking her.

Y/N: Wakey, wakey you stupid bitch!

And immediately Y/N run out of the room, soon followed by Kuki and Dante, and behind them was pissed Revy who somehow changed her clothes into her school uniform.

Revy: I'll fucking kill you, you piece of shit!

After a few minutes, they all got into the classroom where was everyone except team RWBY and JNPR.

Y/N: We did it.

Revy: Still, you are fucking dead. You should start sleeping with your eyes wide open.

Then Team RWBY and JNPR rushed into the class and sit next to Team Y/NKRD, who was sitting in the front and Yang sit next to Y/N.

Yang: How was your morning?

Y/N: Not bad, I just got one death threat this morning.

Then he look at Ruby who was excited.

Y/N: What's wrong with Ruby?

Yang: Oh, it's nothing it's just our uncle is a teacher here and this is his class.

Y/N: Really? Who is he?

Then a man with black hair and red tips, like Ruby's, comes into the classroom and Y/N eyes widen.

Then a man with black hair and red tips, like Ruby's, comes into the classroom and Y/N eyes widen

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Y/N: Master?!

Yang: Wait you know our uncle?

Garito: I'm sorry for being late but here I'm now. My name is Garito Rose and I will be your teacher of dust in practice and combat. Even though this is similar to Dust Studies with Professor Peach. And as I look among you a see some familiar faces but don't take it that I'll go easy on you I will grade you as others. Anyway this today I will let you ask any question you want and I answer them.

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