Preparing for the dance

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It was time for sparring practice and today Pyrrha had surprisingly two fights first was against the team CRDL and then against Mercury who forfeit really easily.

Y/N was a little suspicious about that.

And then the bell rang and everyone started leaving.

Dante: Pyrrha really knows how to kick ass.

Kuki: Even I was surprised that she take out the whole team just by herself.

Revy: Hey I have a question, did you notice the fight with mercury? Wasn't it a little weird?

Y/N: I see that I'm not the only one who thinks that was suspicious.

When team Y/NKRD was walking down the hallway, Arlecchino, Mercury, and Emerald were watching them.

Mercury: They are on to us.

Arlecchino: I knew you were overacting.

Emerald: No need to panic. We can ask Cinder what we will do.

In the evening, team RWBY was talking with Blake that they should rest a little because Blake was persistent to find the answers to why White fang doing all of this. Then Blake left the dorm and someone knocked on the door. When Weiss opened the door she was surprised by Jaune who started playing on guitar.

Jaune: Weeeiiisssss

And she immediately shut the door. But Jaune knocks on the door.

Jaune: Oh come on. Open the door. I promise not to sing.

Weiss sighed and opened the door. And he started singing again.

Jaune: I liiieed! Weiss Schnee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday?

Weiss: Are you done?

Jaune: Yes?

Weiss: No.

And she shut the door again. Then looks at Ruby and Yang.

Weiss: What?

Yang: And that is why they call you the ice queen.

Weiss: All my life boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.

Ruby: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.

Yang: Wait now I realized. Who is your date, Weiss? I never saw you talk to any boy around here.

Weiss: Well... that's a secret.

Yang then got a devilish smirk on her face.

Yang: Oh, I know who it is.

Weiss: You know?!

Yang: Oh come on it's obvious who is it, even though it's kind of weird but you have a crush on our uncle Garito.

Weiss: How do you know?!

Ruby: Wait really?!

Weiss started to blush and covered her face.

Yang: It's really obvious that you have a crush on him, but still remember that he is our teacher.

Weiss: I know I just... he is...

Yang: Look, Garito is really great person but behind that mask of a kind person is hiding a broken man and he needs someone to put that broken man back together and I won't mind if you will be that person.

Weiss: You are not mad?

Yang: When I and Y/N were in that bar he was there as well, and I saw what's under that kind persona, and to be honest I got a little scared, I just want him to be happy and his kind self will be his true him.

Weiss: Wow, Yang... I never thought you are going to be so calm about this.

Meanwhile, in the nefarious team dorm, we can see Cinder sitting on the bed, Emerald sitting on the ground, Mercury reading a comic, and Arlecchino who was sitting in the window.

Emerald: Next is Y/N L/N. This boy is starting to be suspicious of us and his semblance hasn't been evoked yet.

Arlecchino: That's wrong. He has his semblance but he is hiding it. Cinder, it's him the secondary objective of Queen's plan.

Cinder: Oh really? How do you know?

Arlecchino: I saw him in the docks. When he fought Taskmaster.

Cinder: Are you sure?

Arlecchino: More than sure, it's him.

Cinder: In that case, we can hit two birds with one stone.

Mercury: So what's the plan with him?

Cinder: To make him join us of course.

Emerald: And how do we do that?

Cinder: Simple, Arlecchino?

Arlecchino: We have a traitor and we will use that to our advantage. Our little mute is helping him and we will make him question if it's for him or for her personal gain.

Emerald: Wait, so Neo is betraying Roman?

Arlecchino: It's more complicated than that. She is loyal to him so far but she starting to have second thoughts about her actions.

Mercury: How this will benefit us?

Arlecchino: I'm glad that you asked. If he started losing fate to a girl, who is his crush, by the way, he will lose ale his hope for happiness and lose control over his powers. Everyone will see him as a monster and then we will come in.

Mercury: Ok, I see you already have things planned out.

The next day come and team Y/NKRD was talking about the dance.

Dante: So who is going to the dance?

Kuki: Not me, Monday we have the mission so I better prepare.

Revy: I'd rather sleep.

Dante: And what our fearless leader?

Y/n: Don't know really.

Dante: You sound like you don't have a date.

Y/N: Actually I don't.

Dante: Wait really?! How is that possible?

Y/N: I send a message to a girl and she still didn't reply yet.

Dante: Then find a new one.

Kuki: So you are that kind of guy. Don't worry about that Y/N, just be patient it will pay off.

Y/N: Yeah... I hope so...

Y/N was looking at his scroll and licking at the message which he send to Neo two days ago.

Meanwhile, Weiss was standing in front of Professor Garito's office and after a while, she knocked.

Garito: Come in!

Then she opened the door and went in.


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