Fight in the docks

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The day after team RWY went out to look for Blake who run away when she accidentally revealed that she is a Faunus and she was a part of the White Fang.

And they were looking for her for a few days. But now let's talk about team Y/NKRD which has a different problem in their dorm.


Y/N: I still don't get it, what happened?

Kuki: Apparently, Revy was hiding alcohol in the dorm but Goodwitch found out and confiscated it all.

Dante: And now we are using everything we can to hold her here and not kill Glynda.

Dante has holding Revy while Kuki vas using her electric whip to tie up her.

Y/N: Maybe I know something that can help Revy. I found on bar nearby, what do you say Revy? It's on me.

Revy: And how the fuck are you so kind all of the sudden, prick?!

Y/N: I just need us to work together so I was thinking we can talk over a drink, just two of us.

Revy: All right, lead the way.

When the two of them get in the bar Y/N orders a beer and Revy rum.

Revy: You are serious, a beer?

Y/N: What?

Revy took her glass and take a swing of her rum.

Revy: If you ask me beer's no different than a piss. That stuff will never get you drunk a real man takes rum. But if you don't have the balls to keep up with a woman. I'm not going to try to force you.

Y/N: What did you say?

Revy: Well, you are a leader and all. But though I might want to put a little dress on you with some pretty ribbon and take you up for a night of dancing.

Y/N: Oh really? Then watch this!

Y/N grabbed Revy's glass and drink it all up, which surprised Revy.

Y/N: What do you say? I was forced to drink with Garito and his friend huntsman Qrow so never underestimate me again, Rebecca!

This slightly passed off Revy.

Revy: Why you!

Y/N just smiled at her. And this pissed her off even more so she stood up and come close to his face.

Revy: Hey! Bartender!

Revy and Y/N: Bring us all you got!

After 20 shots, Revy started to feel dizzy so as did Y/n but they were still continuing. And after a few more both of them fell asleep on the counter. The bartender was pissed by he didn't dare to do anything because he was scared of Revy.

After a few hours they walk out of the bar it was night and both of them had a hangover.

Revy: Fuck... how many did you had?

Y/N: I don't know... let me check.

Then he runs into the alleyway where he throws up.

Y/N: Too much!

But then there was an explosion in the dock so they went to check what is going on and there they see Roman Torchwick with Taskmaster. Roman was fighting Blake but Taskmaster defeating Sun.

Revy: What? Taskmaster?

Y/N: You know him?

Revy: Yes, he is a real pain in the ass.

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