Tournament (vol 3)

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After team Y/NKRD returned they went to do their things but something surprised Y/N. Someone jumped at him and knocked him out. When he woke up he found himself tied up in a chair in an empty classroom.

And when his eyes focused he saw the Tundra owl with her mask on.

Tundra owl: You're finally awake.

Y/N: What do you want?

Tundra owl: I just need a little cooperation that's all.

Y/N: I'm not helping you with anything!

Tundra owl: I don't even need your help, just watch this.

Tundra owl showed him on her scroll camera footage from the train that crashed in Vale. And on that footage was fought between Yang and Neo.

Tundra owl: You know the two of them right?

Y/N: What are you trying to do?

Tundra owl: Just watch until the end.

Then Y/N saw that Neo knocked Yang out and tried to kill her but then some black hair woman in a mask saved her.

Tundra owl: This little ice cream tried to kill your friend.

Y/N: Why are you showing me this?

Tundra owl: Because she is betraying our side and I expect her to do the same to you. When you will need her the most she will stab you in the back.

Y/N: Why all of this?

Tundra owl: I just hate traitors. So hear my warning, don't trust her. She is like Roman she only cares about herself and her gain.

Then she cut the ropes and immediately disappears.

Y/N sit there for a little while and tried to process this. Yes, he loves Neo, but he also sees Yang as his sister even though he doesn't shove it he fell like it. And he doesn't know if he even can trust Tundra owl, but the footage doesn't lie.

Sometime later the Vaitel festival tournament started and team RWBY won their first fight.

Team RWBY was with team Y/NKRD at the food stands and then out of nowhere, Ruby started to celebrate which get Y/N off his deep thoughts.

Ruby: WE DID IIIIIIIIITTTTT!! Is anyone else starving?

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite.

Then everyone could hear a strong growling and Blake covered her stomach.

Revy: Are you sure? That sound like you didn't eat in two months.

Weiss: Gee, if only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh, wait.

Dante: Yeah from here my eyes see a dozen food stands, so which will we choose?

Ruby: It's okay, Weiss. I forget about the fairgrounds too.

Weiss: I was being facetious.

Ruby: WH- Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!

Yang: C'mon! I know just the place. You guys can join if you like.

Dante: Don't mind if I do.

Revy: I rather not.

Kuki: Sorry but I hate fighting with a full stomach. Don't forget that we have a round after JNPR. See you around.

Then Revy and Kuki left.

Y/N: I guess Dante and I are joining you.

Yang: Sounds good, let's go!

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