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Despite how calm the skies were of Galar, you knew not everything was as peaceful as it could be. You patted your Corviknight on the side and got him to dive down towards the mountains, Circhester, and Outer Spikemuth from most of Galar. Corviknight landed, and you quickly got off and ran over to some rocks for cover. You peeked your head out and looked down at the people surrounding the caves. All in uniform, pokemon from a wide variety but nothing that could seriously damage your team. You turned to your Corviknight and nodded at it.

(Y/N): Standard smash in. Get to work.

Corviknight flew up and called out, alerting the foes down on the lower level to its presence. One of them smirked and ran up, shield in his hand.

Shield Guard: This is remarkable! The king would surely reward me for such a powerful-

Corviknight called out and began to use hurricane, causing a massive gush of wind and slowly blowing away people and pokemon. Confusion was all that was heard down at the cave entrance. You tossed two poke balls up and out popped Rhyperior and Haxorus. You snapped your fingers and pointed backwards towards the chaos. They understood with ease.

You cracked your neck and jumped out of cover to join your team. Corviknight's hurricane died down as Rhyperior used stone edge to clear a path. As you slid down the rocks, you leapt forward and kicked a cultist in the face, and grabbed their shield. You ran up to a few cultists and slammed a shield into their faces and continued to run up to the cave entrance.

As you ran inside, there was a Charizard, standing there, waiting just for you.

Sword Guard: Fire!

A massive blast of flamethrower came directly towards you. Rhyperior got in the way, giving you cover. You nodded at him and tossed out another poke ball. This time it was Onix. You nodded to your rock worm, and he nodded back before using dig to drill into the stone wall. It emerged shortly after and slammed its tail onto Charizard.

(Y/N): Corviknight! Steel wing!

Corviknight cried out and charged forward, and slammed its wings down onto the Charizard with some help from Onix. The enemy pokemon was easily knocked out, giving you the chance to run up with Haxorus and Rhyperior. Haxorus charged up and used dragon pulse, clearing the path for you. You ran up and used the shield you stole once you reached the central chamber.

Once inside, you saw various consoles, weapons, pokemon and more. Your eyes scanned around, and you looked at your teammates.

(Y/N): Haxorus, start freeing the captive pokemon! Rhyperior, go with Onix, start taking out those weapons stations.

You tossed out your last two pokemon, Dusknoir, and Drednaw. As they popped, you saw a man in robes up at the very top with two Sirfetch'ds.

(Y/N): You two! Enemy personnel! Corviknight, get me up top!

Corviknight called out, and you jumped up onto his back and took off, leaving your team to get to work. You knew they could easily handle it. So, you hand no concern. As you got to the top floor, you jumped off of Corviknight and got your shield ready to use. One of the Sirfetch'ds jumped up and went in with a slash of their sword. You countered with your shield but lost momentum from your fall.

You tucked under the pokemon and flipped, landing on the ground without your weapon. You ran forward towards the robed man, but another Sirfetch'd came up to attack. Corviknight dove down and grabbed the pokemon in his mouth, giving you time to run up to the man. The man took out a sword, hidden in his robes, and went in for a strike.

You stopped yourself last minute and dodged the swing. As the man went in for attacks, you dodged each strike until you saw an opening. You grabbed his wrist, kneed him in the stomach, and twisted his arm to make him drop the sword before kneeing him in the stomach. The robbed foe then went in for an uppercut, but you dodged it and knocked his arm out of the way, giving you a chance to grab his head and bring it down towards your knee.

The man back up, allowing you to go in with a roundhouse and kick the man in the face, knocking him out. You panted a little, still winded but turned back to your pokemon.

(Y/N): Leader's down! Corviknight!

Corviknight called out and flapped his wings, and flew over towards you. He grabbed both you and the leader before flying off. You glanced down and saw your pokemon finishing up their missions. You nodded and opened their balls, allowing your pokemon back to you. You pointed up, and Corviknight took off, firing off a few attacks before flying through a hole in the ceiling, allowing you guys to escape.

As you guys were flying, the leader slowly began to come back to life. He shook his head and slowly opened his eyes. Once they were, the leader began to panic a little until he turned to you.

Leader: You! You little rat-faced-

(Y/N): Finish that thought and he will drop you.

Corviknight lowered his head and look at you both and released a massive call. His head moved back up as he continued to fly. The leader glared at you and began to fight back against Corviknight's talons.

Leader: The great prince and king will have your head! They rightfully rule this kingdom! Those fools who now run this stupid league and support that wrench of a professor will feel their wrath!

The mention of Sonia made a fit of anger swell up inside you. Rather than unleashing it as this idiot dragged on, you reached up and knocked on Corviknight's leg. He knew what you wanted and slightly dropped the leader. He screamed just as Corviknight caught at the least second. He took deep breaths, panting a little as he looked up at you.

(Y/N): Mention the professor or the League Chair again, and I'll make sure you won't preach ever again.

The leader gulped and nodded along. You climbed up your pokemon and began to ride on the back of Corviknight, letting the pokemon carry the leader with both talons. You took in a deep breath. Just thinking about the raid. It was obvious these guys were just a small sect. And even then, you didn't do much to stop them. Just beat up a couple of guys, placed a tracker and destroyed weapons, and freed pokemon.

You rubbed your chin in thought. It was just so weak. But at the same time, you did the job you were tasked to do. You moved your hands up and rubbed your eyes. Still...this sect did point out Sonia as a target. You grabbed your phone and pulled up Leon's contact and immediately shot him a text.

(Y/N): Sect No. 1 is down. I want people ready to protect the lab!

Leon: Someone is feeling protective! ;)

(Y/N): The guy I napped called her out in particular. Shut up about this relationship stuff.

Leon: So, you are really saying it is over between you two?

You stopped. You didn't bother to respond. Hell, you just kept looking at the screen, even as Corviknight got closer to Wedgehurst. You just kept thinking about what Leon said. It was and Sonia were together...for a few months. It wasn't much in your opinion but the sheer fact that Leon, OF ALL PEOPLE, was pushing it concerned you. Another text from Leon came through. You looked down and read it slowly, making sure you were picking up on everything said.

Leon: She still talks about you...a lot.

(Y/N): Why are you so concerned about this?

Leon: Because I want to make sure my two best friends are happy.

(Y/N): ... Tell her that.

You turned off your phone and glanced down to see the town. You sighed and placed your phone back into your coat pocket and softly patted your Corviknight, telling him to take you down to the town. You sighed a little more, letting your thoughts drive you back to what things have been and how things are going. Sonia...why did it have to be Sonia of all people. Damnit why?

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now