Louder and Louder our Screams Become

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Sonia arrived back at Wedgehurst within the hour. Originally, she would have gone on up to you and start the debate she talked so much about. Yet, she just looked at her phone. Still nothing from you and nothing she could say. When she landed, she didn't bother to walk over to the market to pick up fresh food, didn't bother to say hello to some people, just...her energy was focused on getting back to the lab. She had already dedicated enough time and thought to you and thinking things over for now.

She got inside her lab, dropped her bag, and walked over to her table. She pulled out a magnifying glass and began to scan an old stone recovered from the Stow-on-Side mural. Totally legal by the way. Not at all taken from the mural's destruction during the gym challenge. As Sonia looked over the stone, the door to the lab opened and closed within a few seconds. She sighed slowly pulled back from her seat and looked over. Of course, it was you who walked inside the lab.

Her eyes shifted away from you and back to her work. You, meanwhile, walked over and leaned up against a counter across the room. You just stayed there in silence, not moving, not speaking, not doing anything. It was after a minute that Sonia groaned a little and turned around in her chair and crossed her arms, looking at you.

Sonia: Yes?

(Y/N): You wanted to talk. Let's talk.

Sonia: I think I said my piece.

(Y/N): So, some back talk over text is all that is needed.

Sonia: (Y/N), I have work to do. I believe you are familiar with the concept.

You groaned a little and rubbed your face with your hands a little. You turned back to Sonia as you stepped away a little. You looked at her and leaned forward a bit.

(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry I don't have time to have a casual conversation. I was hired out to protect people, and I'm going to-

Sonia: We get it. I get it! You're a big shot who doesn't have time for people like me.

(Y/N): What's that supposed to mean?

Sonia: I think you already know.

You sighed a little.

(Y/N): Listen, all because I was hired out to protect you a lot of others, all because it is my job, and all because I am focused in on that does not mean I do not care.

Sonia: You got a funny way of showing it.

You looked at her, slowly turning into a glare. Without a word, you began to walk away to the lab's exit.

Sonia: Where are you going?

(Y/N): I think we're done here.

Sonia: Are we?

You opened the door but had yet to step through it. You turned back to her.

(Y/N): Police escort will be here in the morning. They are here for you, Leon, Hop, and the new Champion's mother. Gym leaders have already canceled foreseeable matches. Security teams are also being beefed up. Two other hunters, Silver, and Ash, are also coming up here. Divide and conquer. Give me a month, and you'll never see me again.

You moved to step out of the door. Sonia raised her hand a little.

Sonia: (Y/N), wait-

You didn't wait. You let the door close, and you walked out into the night of Galar. The wind chill didn't make it enjoyable at all. But you pushed forward. You shoved your hands into your pockets and walked. You did think about what you had happened. But at the same time, you just...why did it have to be her of all people.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now