Failed Redemption

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You were flying around with Corviknight, making your way through the clouds of Galar. You glanced down to an old wear-house and saw a few members of that damn cult. You patted Corviknight and pointed down to the wear-house. He cried out and began to dive down to fight the bastards. You cracked your neck and leaned forward a bit, gaining more speed. It would be just like the first go around. It wasn't until you and Corviknight were just above them that the cult finally saw you and tried to take the correct actions.

Another jump from Corviknight, deployment of your pokemon, and more. It was so standard to you. There was basically nothing new. You took cover, allowing Rhyperior and Haxorus to get inside and destroy some of the outer defenses. Honestly, this was all to familiar to you. That was until you saw two shadows move along the ground. You glared a little and got from your knees to your feet. Slowly, the shadows emerged.

(Y/N): Darkrai.

The two Darkrai slowly emerged, each using a shadow ball against you. You spun out of the way and evaded the attacks. You grabbed three fresh poke balls and tossed them all to the ground. Drednaw, Onix and Dusknoir.

(Y/N): Drednaw!

You gestured to the Darkrais and quickly Drednaw went into action, firing out a Hydropump. You turned to Dusknoir and pointed at the wear-house.

(Y/N): Make sure the others can get inside!

Dusknoir nodded and phased into the ground. You grabbed a box and used it against a Darkrai as cover. Drednaw got up to a Darkrai and went in for a whirlpool, trying to throw back one of your enemies. You got up and charged forward to another Darkrai. It saw you get close and went in for an attack. Darkrai went in for a backhand that you ducked under. He went in for a brick break, slamming down onto the ground that you barely avoided.

You went into a roundhouse kick, hitting the arm of the pokemon. You moved in with your elbow and slammed it down onto Darkrai's face. You winced a little as you held your elbow a bit. Darkrai snapped back and looked at you, grabbing your jacket collar. You looked down and wrapped your legs around his arm and twisted your body a little. Darkrai looked from his arm to you, summoning up a shadow pulse. Your eyes widened a bit, and he fired off a blast.

You were flung back into a wooden crate, smashing into it. You took a deep breath, wincing in pain a little. Before you could get up, a cultist drew a sword and held it to your neck.

Cultist: Stay down wench!

You jabbed your elbow into the cultist's shin, pulled your legs back, and launched them forward to disarm him. You then spun around a little, kicked the cultist a few times before getting up and punching him in the face twice. You quickly reached down and grabbed his sword and look forward. You saw your Drednaw still struggling against a Darkrai. You, in a moment of desperation, threw the sword forward, slashing across the Darkrai's arm. That gave Drednaw his opening to move in and attack, launching a razor shell at one of the Darkrai's.

The second Darkrai made a b-line directly for you. You got into a position to fight until the ground shook a little and your Onix emerged and bite down on the Darkrai, slamming it onto the ground left and right. You watched as Onix continued to clear the way for yourself and your teammates. Drednaw walked over to you and watched the display as well.

It was then where a massive explosion went off behind you. You turned back and saw Rhyperior and Haxorus get flung back from the blast, landing on their backs. You knelt down and began to look them over as Corviknight and Dusknoir also emerged to stand beside you. You glared up and saw a burly man walking out, of the flames, slamming his fists together. Behind him, a Coalossal and a Heatmor. The man laughed as you got up to your feet and raised your fists with Corviknight and Dusknoir at the ready.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now