Meeting Hall

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You were going over news reports the next morning, a cup of coffee beside you. You took a quick swig of your drink, reading over all the necessary information provided to you and for you. Different types of attacks ranged from bombings to pokemon being used. You leaned back a little in your seat, slightly rubbing your chin as you looked over everything. You set your mug down and scrolled down, seeing the frequency and tactics of the attackers. You put the tablet down on the table and sighed a little before drinking some more coffee.

As you were looking things over, you heard footsteps which came to a sudden stop. A small screech. Feet moving over the hardwood. You looked over and saw Leon standing there. He shook his head a little and smiled at you.

Leon: Sorry. Just not used to anyone else being here.

(Y/N): What? You and Sonia don't do this often anymore?

Leon stopped himself in front of the sink and turned around to face you. He had a slight glare to him. The first time you saw him actually angry in years. You took your mug in your hand and raised it a little.

(Y/N): You brought it up first. Not me.

Leon: Yeah, yeah.

He continued on making breakfast for himself. You stayed with your coffee. After a few seconds though, your head picked up.

(Y/N): Not even Hop comes around that often?

Leon: He's busy working for Sonia.

(Y/N): Sonia? How much did I miss?

Leon: Both a lot and not that much.

Leon smiled as he walked back over to you at the counter. He placed his plate down, taking a bite out of the toast. As he was chewing, you looked at you and then at the tablet, swallowing.

Leon: So, what have you gathered up so far?

(Y/N): Real basic stuff. Attack patterns, pokemon used. Yeah, they are extremists for certain. Then again, that was pretty obvious.

Leon took a bigger bite from his toast, chewing on it as he looked at your findings. You pulled your work away from him and chugged the last of your coffee. Once it was on the counter, you got up from your seat and made your way over to the spare bedroom Leon was letting you use in his house.

(Y/N): I need to get more information. I'll be with Sonia.

Leon smirked a little as you got your things together and headed out of the house. It was a fine sunny day, nothing out of the ordinary for southern Galar. You got to the lab around ten minutes later after a good walk.

You were just going to walk in, but then a rush of idiocy hit you. That would be rude. Then again, it wasn't like this was an old crush or something. She wouldn't mind it. Well...knowing Sonia she totally would. You knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened, and out came the famed lab assistant.

Hop: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Oh...uh..hey Hop. (In your head) God damn it!

Hop: Whoa! I didn't know you were back! How was your journey? I haven't seen you since you were a teenager.

(Y/N): was good. If you don't mind, I need to talk to Sonia.

Hop: Sure thing!

Hop opened the door to let you pass. A sigh of relief washed through your mind as you let him guide you to Sonia. You quickly saw her, up high on a ladder, grabbing something from a far shelf. She reached over, clearly struggling a bit to do so. You sighed and grabbed her ladder, and pushed it over some.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now