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The next few days at the hospital were some of the most grueling days of your life. You were put into more pain now than you ever had back during training with Kabu, the pokemon battles with Leon and Sonia, research and development with Magnolia, and so much more. You had to run test after test and allow yourself to enter some of the greatest pains you had ever experienced. You were quick to request physical therapy, trying to relearn how to use your legs. You would be able to walk again, but it would be a struggle to do so.

And yet, as you did, Sonia was there. Almost every step of the way. The only times she wasn't was when her research called for her. But, most days of the week, you saw her, either watching you from afar or spending time with you. Honestly, it was now starting to feel like you had never really left Galar. Hell, it felt like you two were together again. Was it what you wanted? On the surface, kinda, but deep down, it was fairly obvious that you both felt that attraction deep down. Still, there was a nagging feeling deep down in your mind.

What was happening outside? What happened to Leon?

It had been about 2 weeks since you were admitted to the hospital. You could feel more natural moving your body around, to the point where sitting up on your bed wasn't an absolute pain. Once you did after some morning walking practice, you flipped on the TV just to see what was happening in the world. News about some contests were here and there, some new battles in Hammarlocke. Honestly, it was all pretty standard.

The door to your room opened with a slight knock as a nurse walked in with a tray of food.

Nurse: Hello, Mr. (L/N). I have that meal you requested. And you have a visitor...again.

The nurse walked in, and right behind her was Sonia holding a small tin box. You smiled at the professor and then nodded to the nurse.

(Y/N): Thank you again.

Nurse: My pleasure. You enjoy now.

The nurse smiled at you and walked out. Sonia pulled up a chair beside you and sat down.

Sonia: How are you feeling today?

(Y/N): Better than yesterday to be honest. Every day it gets better. Which is the point, after all.

Sonia: That it is. Figured I spend my break here. Beats listening to Hop and his stories that he tells over and over again.

(Y/N): Yeah. How do you put up with that?

Sonia: His heart's in the right place. Besides, he's only a kid. (She opened up the tin box) I'm sure he'll be just fine.

You nodded, grabbed a fork, and stabbed the salad you requested. Sonia took out a small sandwich, and she smiled at you.

(Y/N): Isn't that the same bin that had your food from school?

Sonia looked at you and then down to the tin. She took another bite, slowly chewing on her food. You both slowly chuckled and laughed together. She laughed a little longer than you and nodded slightly.

Sonia: Yeah. I just thought I bring it on back. Give us a few good laughs here and there.

(Y/N): Well, it certainly did. Surprised that thing is still usable.

Sonia: It's tin. It's not like it's going to rust and be unusable.

(Y/N): Fair point.

Sonia smiled and continued to eat. As she did, she noticed your eyes shifting from your food up toward the TV screen. When she did, she noticed you were trying to get updated on the world. She sighed a little and took another bite of her sandwich. She swallowed and looked back at you.

Sonia: If you are looking for news about Leon, forget it. He hasn't made a move yet.

(Y/N): And that cult? What have they been up to? What about that sect?!

Sonia: Calm down. There is nothing you need to worry about right now. You need to focus on your recovery for now.

(Y/N): Sonia, come on. I can't just stay here without some sort of intel. I need to know what is going on out there.

Sonia sighed and went in for another bite with her sandwich, almost like she was ignoring you. You raised an eyebrow, slowly morphing into an angry look.

(Y/N): Sonia.

Sonia: You are focusing on recovery. And I am focusing on research. He is focusing on doing his job. Enough said.

You groaned and let your head fall back down onto your pillow. You just sighed, resting there for some time, thinking about it all. You knew there would be no fighting back, Sonia, not when she was like this. Hell, there just wasn't anything you could really do on the matter at all. Sonia moved her tin box down to the side and stood up. She smiled and did a quick stretch.

Sonia: Well, break still goes on for another half hour. And it is only a 20-minute talk back to the lab.

(Y/N): Right, I'll see you later then.

Sonia: But.

(Y/N): Oh no, there's a but.

Sonia: It's you.

(Y/N): Double meaning?

Sonia rolled her eyes and laughed a little. She pushed her table to the side, back to you, and pulled her chair up to your bed. She took out a deck of cards and smiled warmly at you. You raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): What about work?

Sonia: Break can be as long as I want it to be. I'm the professor now, remember?

(Y/N): You sure do like taking power, exploiting it, and using it for your own purposes.

Sonia: I learned from watching you.

(Y/N): Ouch.

Sonia laughed a little and dealt three cards to you and three to herself. You sighed, sat on your bed, and began playing a few hands with her. It was meant as a nice distraction, a way to keep your mind clear from the insanity that was life. It was fun, to say the least as well. You would win some, she won the overall game. You demanded for a best two out of three, and she accepted. For some bizarre reason. But it was fun. Neither of you were going to deny that.

After some time, though, you were called for some more therapy. And Sonia used the time to get out and return to the lab. When she did get back, she did call you and rant a little about not having an assistant for once. You laughed along with her, just happy she was happy. And hey, that's what really mattered here.

While you and Sonia were out having a fun day, just trying live, Leon was covered in bushes, looking out towards that warehouse from earlier. Beside him was Raihan, also surveying the area. He turned back to Leon and raised an eyebrow.

Raihan: You sure this is going to work?

Leon: It has to. We have more than enough forces. We have spent weeks scouting out this place. If there is a time to strike, it is now while their pants are down.

Raihan: Alright, big man. Your call.

Leon: Get everyone into positions and at the ready.

Raihan nodded and slipped back into the woods. Leon slowly stood up and looked out across the landscape. The warehouse and a few other warehouses and docks were located on the other side of a small Forrests with a few hills here and there. His forces had the high ground. He glared a bit. Now was the time to take out this sect here and now.

Leon pulled his glove down and walked back into the woods, ready to attack.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now