Hospital Visit

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You were already unconscious when Corviknight landed you in front of the hospital. All that twisting and moving you did as an attempt to keep you awake through the pain only went on ahead and made your conscious time grow shorter and shorter. It wasn't long until you were taken into the hospital and got you into a bed. You rested, taking in deep breaths as you felt the pain in your spine grow a little. But luckily the docs knew exactly what to do with you. And it also helped that you kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

But it was during one of these times where you were completely knocked out that the door to your room opened. Obviously, you didn't know or see who it was. And it's not like you cared either. You were resting for now. Trying to make sure you didn't die. But of course, the ones who entered your room were the ones you hurt the most.

Sonia sat down right beside you, brushing some of your hair to the side as she looked over your body. Standing opposite her and on the other side of your bed was Leon. He had his arms crossed as he looked over your body. Sonia's eyes moved from you to him, cocking an eyebrow as she looked up at Leon. Leon turned around, not even bothering to say a word to Sonia or to your unconscious body. He grabbed his phone and made a quick call as he stepped away from you both.

Leon: Raihan. Yeah, it's Leon. I'm calling in that favor. Yeah, yeah, I don't care. Get your gym ready. I'll meet you with Wedgehurst's own. I'll explain later. Just do it.

Leon hung up and turned back to you and Sonia. She looked at her friend and quickly stood up.

Sonia: I know that look, Leon.

Leon: You can't stop me.

Sonia: I don't want to. I want to stall you. Look at him! Do you really wish this on everyone else?!

Leon: He was one man with six pokemon! This "cult" can't do anything against an army of trainers!

Sonia: That's the thing. Trainers! Not champions! Not gym leaders! No masters! Not Hunters! Trainers! They won't survive this! Not them or their pokemon! I want you to think rationally.

Leon: I am! Overwhelming force. I'm sorry Sonia but words and diplomacy are not going to cut it with these fanatics. It's either we do this now, or we die trying.

Sonia: Leon! Please for the love of all that is holy-

Leon stepped out of the room, pulling down his glove, anger on his face. Sonia sighed and leaned back in her chair. She ran her hands over her face in some mild frustration before her eye emerged from the fingertips. She looked over to you, slowly getting an annoyed look on her face. She looked like she was about to say something, but she stopped herself from opening her mouth. She sighed, sitting back down in her chair.

Sonia: You really are the biggest idiot of them all, you know that.

As she spoke, her eyes shifted over to your face, looking at it. Sonia stood up and took a shift step towards you on the bed. Her hand cupped your cheek as she looked at you. It slightly rubbed on your cheek.

Sonia: You're lucky you're still cute.

She sighed a little and stepped back over to her chair. However, a grunt came from you. She spun around and saw your eyes flutter open slightly. You grit your teeth a little as the pain came swelling back to you. You yelled out slightly but stopped once you felt Sonia's touch on your hands.

Sonia: Wait here. I'll get some doctors.

You could only nod as Sonia ran out the door and waved a few docs down. You took a few deep breaths, trying to regain some form of sanity through the pain. Around a minute later, Sonia and a few doctors returned with a syringe. It would temporarily numb the pain you felt so that you could try to regain some sense of normalcy. Once it was in full effect, the first thing you saw was Sonia pacing around your room.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now