Girls Day Out

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The sounds of the citizens cheering were still heard as you slammed the door to the police station shut. A few officers glanced at you as you walked through the halls of the station. As you got towards the holding cell, Officer Jenny was standing there with two other people, gym leaders: Kabu and Opal. You nodded at the two of them as the Officer walked up to you. She smiled and nodded, taking the leader in her hands.

(Y/N): Professor Sonia was labeled a target. Security is needed for her laboratory.

Officer Jenny: We'll make that call. You stay here. You'll be next.

You nodded. It wasn't the first time the cops needed to talk to you about things. You walked over to a wall and leaned up against it. You rubbed your wrists a little, just taking in a deep breath. Your eyes then shot up once you heard a small laugh. You saw Opal and Kabu looking at you. Opal is giving a loving smile.

Opal: (Y/N), it's so good to see you again.

(Y/N): Opal. Master Kabu.

Kabu raises his hand and laughs a little.

Kabu: Relax my student. It is good to see you again.

You nodded at your old mentor. Opal walks over to you, and she places her hand on your shoulder. She gives you a warm smile at you.

Opal: It is so good to see you again.

(Y/N): (Sighs) Likewise grandma.

Despite the warm attitude, you side-stepped her and looked at them both.

(Y/N): Do either of you have any idea on where the professor is?

Kabu: I believe Nessa said something about the two of them. It was brief.

Opal: Oh you know those two. Closest friend either of them could wish for. (She smiles at you) Why? Is someone looking for a little attention?

You sighed and rolled your eyes. Without a second thought, you turned around and moved to walk out of the station. You wanted to get out of that dumpster fire before it erupted, but stopped yourself and turned around for a single question.

(Y/N): Why are you two here anyway?

Kabu: Wanted to follow up with you. You're not the only one worried about her. Nor is she the only target.

You nodded. Leon did say gym leaders were targets as well, even a former one like Opal. Still, you sat down and just wanted to think a little. What would be their next move?

Meanwhile, up in Hulbury, Sonia was sitting at a small café, some coffee cake on her plate. She smiled widely as she took a bite. She sighed and smiled wider as across from her was her close friend, Nessa.

Nessa: Someone's in a chipper mood today.

Sonia: I blame the cake. It's so good!

Nessa smiled and rolled her eyes a little. Her smile grew into a smirk as she leaned forward a little.

Nessa: Something tells me it's not just the cake.

Sonia stopped chewing a looked over at her friend. She saw Nessa raise an eyebrow as her eyes shifted a little. She swallowed and began to speak.

Sonia: Not a fan of people trying to you know, basically kill me. Or you. Or my friends.

Nessa: Oh, I'm right there with you.

Sonia: My research then?

Nessa: I was referring to the guy Leon contracted out to fight them.

Sonia choked a little on her cake as Nessa said that. The gym leader had both a cocky and a concerned look to her. However, that calmed down as Sonia looked back at her friend, blushing and looking rather flabbergasted. Nessa smirked a little as she looked at Sonia, eyes going up and down.

Sonia X Male Reader: The Hunter and the HistorianWhere stories live. Discover now