Swimming Pools at Night

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Ah yes, and each story will have its own specific warning list to them because I want to keep the amount of people who might be taken by surprise when reading this at a low. Also, please read the "Warning" chapter if you haven't yet before you proceed. It will help things make sense and warn you (no shit) of what is to come.

This story contains drowning, kidn__ping, d__th, violence, and other mentions that may cause disturbing thoughts. I think that there are more triggers along the way, so please continue with caution.


When I was about the age of 5, I had been kidnapped, however, it was by my own mother. She drove me to the swimming pool after she shoved me into the car, as I looked out the window and observed the completely black sky. It felt as if something was off, and I never wanted to see the sky again.

On the way, she'd purposefully crashed the car into some deep bushes to scare me and did this over and over again until I would actually do something about it. I was scared, annoyed, enraged, and feeling like I'd attack her if only I had some weapon. We were horrifyingly close to our destination.

Suddenly, she pulled me out the car when we weren't even in the parking lot for the pool, and we were heading to it at an alarming speed with a corpse of a fairly chubby lady floating around inside. It was pure nightmare fuel from my perspective. I wished I never had existed.

Throwing me roughly up the stairs to diving board about 50 feet in the air, she then tied me up in a dull cyan blanket and pushed me off, as I fell to what seemed to be my end. I drowned in the blanket, screaming at my mom in surprise as I pulled her hair and carried her down instead. She dug her nails into my hand, as I bit her with the most force I could build up. I kicked her in the gut and ran out of the pool, dropping into the ocean, free of her wrath.

I look up at the sky and realize the moon was melting. I take a glance at my watery surroundings and realize I'm floating at least 4 feet above the ground below. There were fish that passed by me at speeds I couldn't even tell, and I felt very uncomfortable and paranoid.

Some dramatic music randomly played and I was on top of a tall building, around 7 stories high, about to jump down into the concrete. A 13 year old boy on a skateboard then said "YOU WILL FALL, OR SUFFER HER!" as I saw my mother with fairly unproportional big black eyes slowly walking to me. The skateboard kid hit my head with his skateboard and I fell down, blacking out 2 seconds before I hit the road.

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