Chapter 1

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The year 1021:

"When will it take place?" Namjoon asked his friend who came to visit him on his cell.

"Tomorrow, during the sunset." His angel friend replied.

Namjoon slowly nodded. He couldn't see her face properly due to the lack of light inside the cell. After all, there were no windows. It's just the fire outside which casted a little light through the door.

"There is still time." The angel came near him, "You only have to make an official apology. They will let it slide this time."

"Did the Guardian angel ordered you to say that?" Namjoon asked rather boldly.

The angel cleared her throat, "Yes, she did. But I would have asked you to do the same."

Namjoon let out a chuckle, "Really? You, of all people?"

"Namjoon," she came to sit beside him and held his hands, which felt surprisingly cold against her warm skin, "Please, do this for my sake. I can't bear to lose you."

Namjoon caressed the back of her hands, "Don't worry, it will be less hard for you all. They are going to erase all of me from your memories. You will not even remember who I was."

"Do you think I want that?"

"It wouldn't matter anyway."

"But you will remember everything, won't you? How will you live without us, without all of this?"

Namjoon kept silent. He tried to swallow down the growing lump in his throat. There was nothing he could do about the punishment. It was inevitable, unless he decided to step away from what he strongly believed. It was something impossible for him to do. He was a man, slave of his conscience.

The angel stood up and walked slowly towards the door. She stopped there and glanced back. At that moment, Namjoon desperately wanted to confess his love to her. He thought, "she wouldn't remember me anyway."

"Do you have anything left to tell me?" she asked.

Namjoon said, "I love you."

The angel gave a painful laughter and nodded her head, "I know. I always did."

Present day:

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Present day:

The sound of the heavy rain seemed to have muted the surrounding. A man in a rather large cloak was walking along the side of the street. The hood was covering most of his face. He kept glancing back every now and then as if he was afraid someone might follow him.

He bumped into someone as he took a turn. "Sorry!" he mumbled.

"Have you gone blind?" the person said, his voice irritated, "Look, what you have done?"

It was only that some parts of his shirt got wet with the rain as his umbrella fell down. It would have been no big deal to an ordinary man. But he was no ordinary man. He was Kim Seokjin, son of the most beautiful being to ever exist, the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

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