Chapter 2

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Jungkook couldn't recall when the last time he got out of his huge mansion was. It would get really lonely sometimes, living all alone. It wasn't like this all the time. He was used to travelling around the world a lot. But now, even roaming around his neighboring woods seemed dangerous.

Today, Jungkook had built up his courage and stepped out in to the woods. He could sense that his body was growing weaker. He needed blood. So, he searched for a suitable prey.

He could smell blood ahead of him. "What is it again?" he thought. The smell wasn't foreign but it was a distant memory to him. He stood there, puzzling over the smell.

"Humans!" as soon as the thought occurred to him a bullet went straight through his side.

"Not bullets!" someone shouted, "use those wooden arrows, idiots. He's a vampire."

Jungkook turned back and wanted to run. But someone had already shoot an arrow through one of his legs. He fell on his knees in pain.

"So, this is the end of me." He thought, "They are going to lock me up in their lab and God knew whatever they are going to do to me."

They started to come closer, pointing their weapons at him. There were too many of them for Jungkook to fight alone with his weak body. He started wondering whether he should lay still and let them take him or fight back and risk being killed on the process.

"Not today, fellas!" Someone shouted from behind them. All the humans' attention went straight to the direction at once. In that brief moment of confusion, Jungkook hid himself behind a large tree nearby.

He could sense there was a fight; the bullets were fired and the arrows were thrown in every direction. The humans' were panicking. Whatever their secret attacker was, it was really swift at its job.

Jungkook was trying to understand what it was. But with all the fuss, and too many humans around, he couldn't make out the smell. The fight continued for some time. Some of the humans were killed. Jungkook could tell by the smell of their fresh blood in the air. The remaining accepted their defeat and fled.

It was quiet for some time. A sweet voice spoke, "You can come out, now. They are gone."

Jungkook couldn't trust the stranger immediately. He was still traumatized because of the sudden attack. Then, a face appeared in front of him. He was startled and moved back in fear.

The face smiled, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Jungkook was looking at the stranger with wide eyes, trying to make up his mind whether to trust him or not. The stranger gasped at the sight of his injury, "Oh dear, you're hurt. Come out. Let me help you."

He held up his hand. Jungkook hesitantly took it and came out in to the open. A huge black wolf suddenly jumped at him and started to lick his face.

"Taehyung!" The gentle stranger spoke, "Stop it. You're scaring him."

The wolf got down and whined at him. He laughed, "I know he's cute. But let him get used to us first." He turned to Jungkook and said, "He's just very excited to meet you."

The wolf nudged its head softly on Jungkook's arm. For the first time in many years, a smile grew on his face.

 For the first time in many years, a smile grew on his face

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