Chapter 7

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Yoongi stood in the rain, unable to move a muscle. He had been looking at the sky until Hoseok's figure disappeared in the darkness of the night. He couldn't believe he had been caught when he was so close to achieve his goal.

"How dare you dreamt of a bright future?" He felt his conscience asking him, "After everything you had done, did you really think you could turn back from your sins?"

"Why? Were my mistakes too ugly to be forgiven?" Yoongi asked back.

"You are a monster. You're true place is to dwell in the darkness."

Yoongi closed his eyes shut. He felt like he had stabbed his friends in their backs. But he was feeling all the pain instead. This pain in his heart was something worse than that of any physical one.

Yoongi looked at his wet white shirt. He laughed at the irony of it. The day he decided to wear white, was the day it revealed the blackest part of himself.

Slowly he walked back to his basement. The place that had been used just for experiments were turned into a home to Yoongi by the most unexpected people. But now, it suddenly felt just like a basement once again.

He looked around it. Things were just the way he had left them a few hours ago. But everything inside Yoongi seemed to have changed. He felt a sudden urge to change his clothes into his older ones. As if wearing something dark again would undone the damage and bring Hoseok back.

Even so, he got changed into one of his black outfits. Then, he went to sit at the very corner of the room where his desk was. The floor was freezing. But Yoongi didn't seem to mind.

Yoongi buried his face in between his knees. Tears began to fall abruptly. He couldn't stop them. For the first time since his grandfather died, Yoongi let himself cry.

 For the first time since his grandfather died, Yoongi let himself cry

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Namjoon woke up in the middle of the night as he heard something. When he listened carefully, he found out that someone was sobbing. Namjoon walked towards it and saw Yoongi sitting at a corner with his head buried in his knees. His whole body was shaking.

Namjoon hesitated but decided to ask him instead, "Is everything... Is everything alright?"

Yoongi's head slowly rose from his knees. He looked at Namjoon and shook his head. Namjoon noticed that Yoongi's hair was wet and his eyes were puffy and red, suggesting that he was out in the rain and had been crying for quite a long time.

Namjoon sat beside him. But he didn't ask Yoongi anything. After a few minutes, Yoongi, himself, broke the silence, "Can I ask you something very personal?"


"Why were you casted out of heaven?"

Namjoon was surprised by this sudden approach towards his deepest, darkest secret. But for some reason, he wanted to share it with Yoongi. Yoongi was the kind of person who would understand.

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