Chapter 4

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"Give me a good reason to trust you." Jimin asked defensively.

Yoongi and his new partners had brought the trio in his place. At first, Jimin was reluctant to have come with them. But when he saw what the OHA had in their mind and if it weren't for them, Jimin would have probably ended up in their laboratory, he finally agreed to go with them.

"Trust requires time." Yoongi said, "And all I'm asking from you is to give me that time. I swear, everything will make sense at the end. It will all go well according to the plan."

"Well, your first plan was to summon an angel." Seokjin said, always ready to contradict Yoongi at any given time, "And look, whom you've brought instead." He gave Namjoon a disgusted look.

"Yeah," Yoongi said as a matter of fact, "someone who brought the said angel to me at least."

"Yah, Jimin-ah!" Taehyung called, "Look at this angel, here. His wings are so soft. Oh my God! I want to wrap myself in them."

Jimin gave a faint smile. Taehyung and Jungkook were busy playing with Hoseok as Jimin was having some serious discussion with the rest. They looked surprisingly happy to have joined the new team. They were trusting the new people so easily. It made Jimin worry a lot.

"Oh my God!" Hoseok imitated Taehyung, "And I want to wrap you in my wings as well. Haha..." They were laughing like kids at this point.

Namjoon shook his head, "Are you sure about the sanity of the members of this team?"

Yoongi sighed, unable to answer. He, himself was losing hope the more time he had been spending with these incompatible group of beings he had collected.

Whatever the reason might be for each of them, they collectively agreed to do whatever it took them to bring the demise of the organization that had been terrorizing their kinds for years

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Whatever the reason might be for each of them, they collectively agreed to do whatever it took them to bring the demise of the organization that had been terrorizing their kinds for years. Apart from Seokjin, everyone seemed to have liked Yoongi too, despite of his cold nature. Little by little Yoongi started to explain the complicated, but not wholly impossible, plan to them all.

First, came the question of participations from the members. How and who would perform which tasks were brought into light. Yoongi would definitely serve as the mastermind of the team. Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook would be the strength while Hoseok and Jimin would give the team whatever supernatural skills they had to offer.

"What about Seokjin?" Namjoon asked sarcastically.

"What about me?" Seokjin asked, "Ya'll definitely need a son of Aphrodite on the team. Someone, whose beauty can distract the enemies at dire times."

"Who needs to be Aphrodite's child to look beautiful?" said Taehyung, fixing the collar of his shirt.

Hoseok cracked up at this, "No offense, but that was so true."

"It's about number." Yoongi came to his aid, "We need more people in the team."

"But that doesn't mean we can allow about anyone." Jimin said, afraid that they might end up having a spy among them.

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