Chapter 6

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Finally, the moment they were waiting for had arrived. The 'Master of Shadow' had left the facility and went for his car.

Taehyung pointed at him, "It's him! Did you see the mark?"

There was a clear mark of a flower being encircled on his forehead. Everybody knew what that mark meant. It was a mark seen on the body of every wizard who worked for OHA. Though most of them would get the mark in an area where it could be concealed by garments, this wizard had decided to get it on his forehead instead. It was clear that he was proud to be a part of this nasty organization.

"Remember, what we have to do?" Namjoon asked one last time. Everyone nodded in union. Then, they attacked.

Though the wizard was momentarily shocked at their sudden approach, he soon regained his senses and attacked them back with his years of knowledge in magic. Though he was old, it was evident in his moves that he was a really powerful being. No wonder, he was considered the 'Master of Shadow'.

The boys had targeted to blind his eyes first with the potion Yoongi had given them. Then they would force him to go to sleep playing the kithara of Apollo; which was again a stolen item Seokjin had provided them with.

They could have handled it easily as they had already out numbered him by four. But a guard suddenly appeared on the scene. He was unarmed. So, he soon turned back to go back to the facility to inform others.

Seokjin ran after him. Their mission could get difficult if more people joined the opposition. They had only managed to blind the wizard. Making him lose his senses completely would take some more time. Jimin was still playing the kithara fervently.

"Don't worry!" Seokjin shouted back at them, "I'll buy you some time." And he was already gone inside the facility.

Soon afterwards, the wizard's huge body fell to the ground, announcing that he was out. They tied him up as quickly as possible.

"Why isn't Seokjin coming back?" Jungkook asked anxiously.

"We don't have much time." Jimin announced, "He might wake up any time."

"Alright!" Jungkook said, "I'll go find Seokjin. You guys take him home."

"No!" Jimin was about to argue.

"There's no time." Namjoon urged him, "Let's go back." Then, he looked at Jungkook and said, "We'll come back for you."

Master of Shadow; the most powerful wizard the earth had ever seen, now sat powerless in front of Yoongi

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Master of Shadow; the most powerful wizard the earth had ever seen, now sat powerless in front of Yoongi. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself. No wizard had ever dared to pick up a fight with the Master. He was the most ancient wizard alive.

"Welcome back!" Yoongi called as the huge wizard opened his eyes.

"I was hoping to meet you soon, Yoongi." The wizard said. There wasn't any sign of fear or hesitation in those old eyes, which made Yoongi nervous. "I don't see your friends around. Are you afraid I might spill the tea?" The wizard started to laugh in a gigantic way.

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